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Jackie Bradley Jr. Robbed a Walk-Off HR in Mind-Blowing Fashion

The Boston Red Sox and the Baltimore Orioles were in the middle of a long 11th inning baseball game when Orioles first baseman Trey Mancini came up to bat. Mancini hit a potential home run at the bottom of the 11th inning that would’ve ended the game, but Red Sox outfielder Jackie Bradley Jr. jumped […]

Why Soccer Players Need Strong Hips (and How to Build Them)

No matter what sport you are playing, there is always a specific area of your body that could benefit from a certain type of workout. In this instance we put our focus on soccer players and why they should be focused on their hip flexibility and condition. Stack outlines how flexion, extension, abduction and adduction […]

Why You Are Not Faster No Matter How Much You Workout

Do you ever find yourself thinking your workouts just aren’t as productive as they could be? Are you failing to see the type of results you desire? This article explains why what you may be doing incorrectly in your routine. It touches on topics from muscle group utilization to certain exercises that don’t target your […]

Football Coaches and Slow 40 Times

Is there anything you’ve ever wanted to say to your football coach, or maybe to one of your friends who happens to be a coach? In a new article by, one writer calls out coaches everywhere, suggesting that they may be their own personal problem. Coaching is difficult enough but when you’re providing incorrect […]

5 Two-Ball Dribbling Drills Every Basketball Player Should Try

Participating in various two-ball drills is a great way to improve coordination and overall skill development for when you’re out on the court. A great example of one of these two-ball dribbling drills is the Windshield Wiper. The Windshield Wiper is a drill in which you dribble each ball simultaneously in a wiper-like motion. Another […]


Modern Sprint Science and Biomechanics with Lance Brooks

Freelap USA talked to biomechanics expert Lance Brooks about the physics of sprinting. Brooks is a specialist with extensive knowledge of the physiological and mechanical principles that determine athletic performance. Brooks notes that sprinters want to achieve as much horizontal displacement with as little vertical displacement as possible. This means less time in contact with […]

Training For Speed and Power with Limited Space and/or Equipment

Given that coaches may find themselves with limited space, they can still do drills such as the Pro Agility drill to increase speed in athletes. The Pro Agility drill involves setting out three cones a distance of five yards apart. The athlete should begin in the middle and sprint to the right, then all the […]

Most Powerful Joint in Sports is Under Trained is back at it again in attempts to make your athletic ventures as powerful and productive as possible. In today’s article they discuss the joints that are most commonly under trained and what they ultimately do for your bodily functions. This article focuses purely on educating you on the topic of your hip joints. […]

How To Become a Faster and Better Player in Days – Not Weeks or Months

Training for speed is not the same as training for endurance. The muscles of the human body exist as one of two fibers: fast twitch and slow twitch. The former excel at activating rapidly and the latter are best at resisting heavy loads over time. Both have their strengths, but one cannot replace the other. […]

6 Amazing Exercises that Improve Athletic Speed

If you are an athlete, speed is one of the most important attributes you can bring to the game. With the right speed and power, you can do so much more in the sport than ever before. And believe it or not, there are tons of fun, simple exercises that you can do that will […]

The Plight of the Elite, Fast-Twitch Athlete

When you spot the fastest person on a sprinting team, you are specifically looking at someone who is referred to as a fast-twitch athlete. Athletes that have the ability to perform at speedy levels may often be experiencing a phenomena that includes their body outperforming the limits of their actual muscles and nervous system. Other […]

3 Tips to Keep Workouts Engaging For Young Athletes

Keeping workouts interesting and productive for young athletes involves a mix of variety in exercises and staples. If you do brand new exercises every time you step into the gym, progress will be nonexistent. However, if you do the exact same workout it will soon become stale. One way to keep interest is to vary […]

Exercise Predictability, Isometrics, & Partial Reps with Jamie Smith, Part II

Jamie Smith is an exercise expert. He was an athlete himself and has a degree in Sports Medicine and a concentration in Exercise Physiology. He now is an expert trainer for other athletes. His training focuses on the correct blend of predictable versus unpredictable training. One way to get that unpredictable training is to add […]

It’s Not Them; It’s Us – Better Coaching With Young Athletes: Brett Klika

Coaching kids can be difficult, and frequently the onus must be in the adults to communicate more effectively. While it is true that kids can be unfocused, poorly disciplined and uncoordinated, and that some just wont listen, many of these problems can be reduced through good communication by coaches and parents. Make sure you explain […]

Become a Faster Athlete and Better Player in Days

As an athlete, no matter what your game is, you want to get better and better at it. To achieve this worthwhile goal, you need to aim for two diverse goals strength and speed. Unfortunately, many athletes labor under the misapprehension that strength training will somehow by osmosis lead to better speed. This is a […]

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