For 25+ years, our Run Faster training program has been helping athletes around the world reach their dreams of success and, we are very confident it can do the same for you!
Run Faster In Just 14 Days. Count On It!

Age Level:
Ages 10-70+
Fitness Level:
Amateur to Professional
Time Involved:
15 Minutes/Day, 4 Days/Week
Workout Location:
Home or Preference
Age Level:
Ages 10-70+
Fitness Level:
Amateur to Professional
Time Involved:
15 Minutes/Day, 4 Days/Week
Workout Location:
Home or Preference
Age Level:
Ages 10-70+
Fitness Level:
Amateur to Professional
Time Involved:
15 Minutes/Day, 4 Days/Week
Workout Location:
Home or Preference
Dear Athlete, Parent, Coach or Friend,
Thank you for your interest in the Run Faster With Isometric Training program. It is our sincere desire that this program meets your needs.
Isometric training, with the help of the resistance band and its dynamic, elastic properties, is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to train your muscles for speed.
Once you start incorporating the strategies contained in this program into your current training schedule, you will join a select group of athletes who have gained an immediate advantage in the sport they play.
So, take charge and get your program today! The possibilities of what you might accomplish are endless!
Dr. Larry Van Such
- You’ll train muscles for speed… that you didn’t even know you had or, needed.
- You’ll train muscles for speed… with a strategy you would never even think of using.
- You’ll train muscles for speed… with a type of resistance you would never imagine could work so well.
Learn more about the Run Faster program, below:
Run Faster Program - Table of Contents (Click Here to Open/Close)
Isometric Training
Muscle Fiber Types
-Slow Twitch Fibers
-Fast Twitch Fibers
-Intermediate Twitch
The Resistance Band
The Running Process
-The Push/Drive Phase
-The Swing Phase
-The Return Phase
-No Repetitions
-Attaching the Band
-How Much Effort to Use
-Proper Positioning
-Doubling Resistance
-Resistance Band Level
-Maintaining Balance
How to Get The Most From This Program
Exercise #1: Hip Flexors, Knee Extensors, Internal Hip Rotators
Exercise #2: Hip Flexors, Knee Extensors, Internal Hip Rotators
Exercise #3: Hip Flexors, Knee Extensors, Internal Hip Rotators
Exercise #4: Hip Extensors, Knee Flexors, External Hip Rotators
Exercise #5: Hip Extensors, Knee Flexors, External Hip Rotators
Exercise #6: Hip Adductors
Exercise #7: Hip Adductors
Exercise #8: Hip Abductors
Exercise #9: Hip Abductors
Exercise #10: Knee Flexors
Training Routine
Progress Chart
-40 yard dash
-60m dash
-100m dash
-200m dash
-400m run
Weekly Schedule
Additional Training Tips
Product Information
Each time you train, you could be leaving out more than 50% of the muscles needed for speed, and that’s a BIG REASON why you may not be as fast as you think you should be.

Your glutes, hams, quads and calves are getting all the attention but, what about the rest of your muscles?
- Some of the most popular exercises for speed training today are: squats, deadlifts, Olympic power cleans, Olympic clean pulls, leg presses, jumping exercises and running exercises such as sled pulls, running with a parachute tied around your waist, shuttle runs, etc. What do all of these exercises have in common with each other? They all target one or more of the following: 1) glutes, 2) hams, 3) quads and 4) calf muscles. See image.
- There’s nothing wrong with this and you are encouraged to keep training these muscles. The problem is many will limit their speed training to just these 4 muscle groups. As a result, they will eventually feel like they are stuck in first gear and hit a plateau way too soon no matter how much they continue to train. This is because running is more than just pushing off the ground.
- If you want to run faster, become more dynamic when you do and gain a significant advantage over your competitors, then It’s time for you to look for different exercise strategies and muscles to add in and, complement your existing speed workout. This is where the Run Faster program can take your game to new levels.
- In addition to the glutes, hams, quads and calves, our Run Faster program is going to challenge you to effectively train all 7 of your hip flexors, which is the longest muscle group in the body, and one of the strongest. These muscles help with your stride rate and top-end speed. How much attention do they get? Is it comparable to the glutes, hams, quads and calves? Probably not.
- How about your your change-of-direction speed? That’s important too, right? Guess which muscles initiate and dominate these actions? Your internal and external hip rotators. Ever hear or, train those? Again, probably not.
- So, when we say you’ll be training muscles you didn’t even know you had or, didn’t know how important they were to running, this should give you some idea of what to expect when you try this program.
Using the resistance band with an isometric training strategy is the ideal speed training combination especially when applied to the fast twitch muscle fibers in your legs and hips.

Don’t perform repetitions with the bands like you would with weights. Instead, there’s a better way.
- Most people will use resistance bands with a weight lifting strategy, i.e., they will perform repetitions with them like you would a dumbbell curl. While there is some value to this type of repetitive, back-and-forth training with a band, it is extremely limited. This is because the resistance in them is too variable and typically only the end of a joint and muscle’s range of motion is ever challenged by it, when fully stretched.
- A better way to use the bands is with an isometric training strategy. With this type of training, no repetitions are performed with the band, but rather, the band is first stretched by your arm, or, leg and then held steady at a certain position for a short period of time, such as 10-15 seconds. The challenge, however, is that you want to make sure that there is enough stretch in the band when you reach your final, holding position so that it makes the exercise more demanding.
- When done correctly, your muscles will begin to tire after just a few seconds. When this happens, they will begin to recruit more and more muscle fibers to help support this demand. Eventually, the muscle weakens to the point it can no longer hold steady and begins to shake. This shaking alters the amount of resistance in the band since it’s resistance is dependent on how far it is stretched.
- Your muscles will perceive these small changes in resistance and alter their typical recruitment pattern in an attempt to hold the position, steady. With each new recruitment pattern, a muscle’s weakness and lack of coordination on a much deeper level is instantly exposed. This forces the over-stimulated muscle fibers to immediately get stronger and with more precision than before.
- Imagine, now, applying this strategy to muscles you may have never even exercised. Also imagine doing it with a resistance level where they have to literally fight to hold steady. And finally, imagine exercising in positions where you may not be very strong. When you do this, you will instantly expose and then quickly eliminate greater weaknesses within your muscles and joints leading to vastly improved athletic performances, including what everyone wants, more speed.
The information presented above was meant to give you an idea of how and why this program works. The good news is…
You don’t have to know anything about how your muscles contract to benefit from this amazing, speed training strategy.
All you need to do is give this a try and see for yourself just how simple and easy it is to get faster. You can do this. We guarantee it.
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Training Manual – PDF
PDF can be viewed on your mobile device and/or downloaded to your computer. 38 pages.
10 Exercise Videos
There are 10 exercises on video in this program. Each of them show the correct setup and technique for easy implementation. Videos can be viewed on your mobile device and also downloaded to your computer.
60-Day Money Back Guarantee!
If not satisfied for any reason, return within 60 days of purchase for a 100% refund, no questions asked. You get to keep the files. We offer this because we are confident it’s going to work for you.
Online Support/Questions.
We are here to help. If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at:
Real testimonials from our real customers
You’re going to have so much fun running faster!
“I ran track for Ohio State University. With the help of the Run Faster program from Athletic Quickness, I was able to set the school record in the 100m at 10.10 seconds. I was Big Ten Athlete of the year and competed in the 2021 Olympic games in Tokyo where I represented Trinidad in the 4x100m. I recommend this program to anyone looking to get faster in their sport. It worked for me and I can’t thank them enough.”

“I first discovered one of many’s speed training exercises when I was in High School. I used the simple workout from the program that literally took me from a 4.6 second 40 yard dash to a 4.5 within one week!!”
“After a few weeks of using the Run Faster program I set a new PR in my 100m event (13.99), a full second faster than the meet 2 months earlier, and 0.5 faster than my old PR set in 2015. In the same meet. I bettered my earlier time in the 200m by 0.26 second and in the 50m improved my time by 0.31 seconds.”

“I tried out the exercises for 2 weeks and saw an immediate decrease in my 40 yard dash time by .2 seconds, from 4.7 to a 4.5. All within a couple weeks!
Of course I was amazed by such result, especially since I have always been used to intense weight lifting workouts and speed training from my college coaches to increase speed.
But this has proven to be very valuable. Now I can’t wait to try the rest of the program to see what else I can do.”
Why Does This Program Work?
Through our 25 years of working with athletes on every level, we are still amazed how most of them overlook and, leave out of their training, some of the most important muscles needed to help them get faster. The muscles we are referring to are those surrounding the hip joint. A lot of this, we believe, has to deal with the fact that most, if not all, gyms and fitness centers do not have machines available to exercise the hip joint in all 6 of it’s ranges of motion: 1) flexion, 2) extension, 3) abduction, 4) adduction, 5) internal rotation and 6) external rotation.
Gyms will have plenty of opportunities for you to train your hip extensors (glutes/hams) on various machines and squat racks. They also have the hip abductor and hip adductor machines you may be familiar with. This means that you should be able to adequately train your hip for 3 of the 6 planes of motion at your local gym.
However, gyms and fitness centers do not have any internal hip rotator machines or external hip rotator machines and they do not have a machine capable of training all 7 of your hip flexors, at once.
This means that 3 of the 6 planes of motion, or, 50% of your hip joint and muscles will never get adequately trained no matter how much time you spend in the gym and while that’s a problem for every serious athlete, an even bigger one is many are completely unaware of this. It’s entirely possible that you’re in a similar situation at this very moment where your hip joint is signficantly undertrained. In fact, we can all but guarantee you are.
HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: Right now, because of this, you have a huge reservoir of untapped muscular energy just waiting to be released. That’s not hype, that’s reality. And, to add to this reality, we can show you how to tap into this reservoir with what can only be described as the best kept speed training secret, ever. When you do the exercises exactly the way we show you, you’re going to run faster and perform better than you could ever have expected. You’ll feel like you can hit a new gear, or two, with your speed and you’re going to wonder why no one has ever showed this to you before.
A WORD OF CAUTION. Do not attempt to get creative and try targeting some of these untrained hip muscles with weights. Chances are you’ll hurt yourself because in order to get in proper position to train them, you will be ‘off balance’ initially and any misstep with a stack of weights can cause serious injury to the hip joint. A much better, and safer way, is to use resistance bands the way we show you. That way, if you lose your balance during and exercise, the resistance in the band drops to essentially zero the moment you stop working against it and injury is avoided.
Why are resistance bands used instead of weights?
There are two reasons resistance bands are used. First, your hip joint has six directions it can move: 1) flexion, 2) extension, 3) abduction, 4) adduction, 5) internal rotation and 6) external rotation. With that in mind, there are no machines in the gym that can adequately target all 7 of your hip flexors muscles at the same time. There are also no machines that target your internal and external hip rotators. This means that three of the six ranges of motion for your hip joint will get zero exercise. This is a major problem for the most important joint in the body of an athlete. Therefore, if you ever hope to exercise hip flexors, internal hip rotators and external hip rotators and, increase your top-end speed and lateral mobility, then you will need to find another way. Resistance bands easily solves this problem.
The second reason is that we are not looking to increase the mass of your muscles. We only want to increase their strength which will in turn, help you to contract them faster. Using resistance bands also solves this problem. So, whenever you are able to increase a muscle’s strength without adding any additional body weight, you’ll become more efficient leading to an increase in your speed, quickness and athletic performance.
Why Are Athletes Using This Isometric Speed Training Program?
Conditions Muscles For Speed in ways other workouts are not capable of doing; releasing untapped muscular energy that dramatically improves speed and develops better players.
Results Come Quickly. Players of all levels start seeing dramatic results in their performance within days, even during mid-season. You won’t have to train for months and months before you even see a small change in your speed. This program works fast because athletes have been skipping out on some of the most important muscles needed for speed.
Works for all ages and fitness levels. Used by Professionals, College and High School players as well as youth as young as 8 years and up. They can be done practically anywhere and anytime, require no special equipment, and take only 15 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
Thousands of athletes in countries across the globe are using these speed training exercises with overwhelming success. They’re smashing their own personal records and getting closer to their athletic dreams.
What Age Groups and Fitness Levels Is This Program For?
This all depends on the individual but a general guide is athletes as young as around 10 and above 70 could benefit from this type of training.
This exercise training program, utilizing the dynamic properties of resistance bands, will show you how to train your muscles for speed and quickness in just 14 days, 15 minutes a day, simply, safely and effectively at your convenience, practically anywhere and any time without having to use weights or any special equipment.
And because the resistance level applied by the bands is determined by the strength of the individual, these exercises can be successfully used by practically anyone, of any age, (beginner, youth, high school, college or professional) and any fitness level and any skill level.
Just follow the training program detailed in the Training Manual, using resistance bands that you can pick up online or at sporting goods stores and you will significantly improve your running speed. We guarantee results in 14 days or your money back. No questions asked.
This new revolutionary running speed training program, allows anyone, of any age, background or level of experience, to absolutely increase their running speed, and perform with improved agility and explosive quickness.
How Long Should You Continue to Use The Program?
While results come quickly, as in the first 14 days, you are encouraged to continue using the program for as long as you plan to say competitive in your sport. This means that you should expect to continue doing the exercises to some extent right along with whatever other training routine you are doing, provided your goal is to maintain and/or increase your running speed.
Therefore, it is totally appropriate to do the training for years if competing and winning is important to you during that time. And, just like with any exercise routine, once you stop you’ll eventually start to lose some of the gains you have made. The good news is that since it takes just 15 minutes a day and can be done at home, there shouldn’t be any problems with staying on schedule.
How Much Rest Before a Race or Game Is Needed?
If you have been doing the exercises for some time, as in for several weeks and/or months and it is now actively part of your training, we recommend, as a general rule, taking at least 2 days off before your game or race.
Of course, each person is different and we have had one very high profile athlete/Olympian do the exercises at a very,light effort level, just 30 minutes before his races. He stated this helped him get his muscles ready to run. So,as you can see, you will have to try and see what works best.
While not related, we certainly don’t recommend engaging in any heavy weight lifiting with your legs immediatley before a race since it takes too long to recover from such a strenuous workout.