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Soccer Speed Training

Kicking and hip flexors
Kicking Power and Hip Flexors

Strong Hip Flexor Muscles Increase Kicking Power and Kicking Distance Even Top Players Can Immediately Kick Harder and Kick Farther The hip flexors play a major role in kicking, whether it’s a soccer ball or with other kicking responsibilities such as kicking field goals, kickoffs and punting in football. In Figure 1 below, an athlete is making his final preparation to kick a soccer ball.  As soon as he plants his left foot on the ground, the right thigh and leg are pushed backward. This stretches, or loads, the hip flexor muscles in the front and readies them for an… read more

how to improve kicking distance
Wow! That Guy has a Strong Kicking Leg

WOW! THAT GUY HAS A STRONG LEG! Why is the smallest guy on the team getting credit for havingthe strongest leg on the team? Attention Football Kickers and Soccer Players –   Kick farther and run faster than ever before –  Get started with your own Speed Training Program   We’ve all seen and heard it before. You are watching a good football game, and a punter, backed up into his own end zone, drills a 70 yarder dashing any hope of the opposing team working with a short field. Or, just before halftime or the end of a game, a… read more

Strong leg for kicking
How to Get a Strong Kicking Leg

“WOW! THAT GUY HAS A STRONG LEG!” Why is the smallest guy on the team getting credit for having the strongest leg on the team? We’ve all seen and heard of it before. You are there watching a good football game, and a punter, backed-up into his own end zone, drills a 70 yarder dashing any hope of the opposing team working with a short field. Or, just before halftime or the end of a game, a place kicker nails a 55+ yarder. And what is it that we hear from the announcers? “Wow, that guy has a strong leg!”… read more

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NFL Cornerback Sprints Fastest 40 Ever!

runs fastest 40
AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Mark Parson

NFL Cornerback Runs Fastest 40 After One Week of Training

Breaking Records

AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Anthony Chesson

Breaks 200m Southern Classic record set by NFL Pro-Bowler

Becomes 2 Time All American!


AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Darrell Wesh

ACC 200m Gold Medal
HS 60m National Champion
2 Time Collegiate All American

Goes From 2nd String Sub to State Honors!


AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Mick Baker

Smallest player, batting 4th, leads team to Iowa State Championship, Named Tournament RBI Leader