Top Jamaican Olympic Coaches & Therapists Attend Speed Training Seminar!!! As you all know, Dr. Larry VanSuch is a leading expert in training athletes to increase speed and outperform in their sport, and he has been working in conjunction with Anthony “Star” Geoghegan of the Realta Clinic to teach his revolutionary methods to top […]
How To Become a Faster and Better Player in Days – Not Weeks or Months
Training for speed is not the same as training for endurance. The muscles of the human body exist as one of two fibers: fast twitch and slow twitch. The former excel at activating rapidly and the latter are best at resisting heavy loads over time. Both have their strengths, but one cannot replace the other. […]
6 Amazing Exercises that Improve Athletic Speed
If you are an athlete, speed is one of the most important attributes you can bring to the game. With the right speed and power, you can do so much more in the sport than ever before. And believe it or not, there are tons of fun, simple exercises that you can do that will […]
The Plight of the Elite, Fast-Twitch Athlete
When you spot the fastest person on a sprinting team, you are specifically looking at someone who is referred to as a fast-twitch athlete. Athletes that have the ability to perform at speedy levels may often be experiencing a phenomena that includes their body outperforming the limits of their actual muscles and nervous system. Other […]
3 Tips to Keep Workouts Engaging For Young Athletes
Keeping workouts interesting and productive for young athletes involves a mix of variety in exercises and staples. If you do brand new exercises every time you step into the gym, progress will be nonexistent. However, if you do the exact same workout it will soon become stale. One way to keep interest is to vary […]
Exercise Predictability, Isometrics, & Partial Reps with Jamie Smith, Part II
Jamie Smith is an exercise expert. He was an athlete himself and has a degree in Sports Medicine and a concentration in Exercise Physiology. He now is an expert trainer for other athletes. His training focuses on the correct blend of predictable versus unpredictable training. One way to get that unpredictable training is to add […]
It’s Not Them; It’s Us – Better Coaching With Young Athletes: Brett Klika
Coaching kids can be difficult, and frequently the onus must be in the adults to communicate more effectively. While it is true that kids can be unfocused, poorly disciplined and uncoordinated, and that some just wont listen, many of these problems can be reduced through good communication by coaches and parents. Make sure you explain […]
Become a Faster Athlete and Better Player in Days
As an athlete, no matter what your game is, you want to get better and better at it. To achieve this worthwhile goal, you need to aim for two diverse goals strength and speed. Unfortunately, many athletes labor under the misapprehension that strength training will somehow by osmosis lead to better speed. This is a […]
Why You Should Be Barbell Squatting Your Athletes
Barbell squatting may not be for everyone, but it plays a role in lower body strength.Squatting has a place with dumbbells and should continue to be used, even if you are considering newer exercise options. If dumbbell squatting does not work for you, remove it from your plan, or be sure that you aren’t lifting […]
Microdosing off the Track and the Tools to Make It Work
Making sure that you know your body is essential to training as a runner. Some people are just born to be runners. They do not even need to work that hard as a runner. Their bodies are just built for that and they have a really natural ability to simply run. Therefore, when training these […]
The Best Speed Workshop I Have Attended in the Last 10 Years—Or Maybe Ever
There are a ton of different ways to try to improve your speed. First and foremost, you need to decide what it is that you are trying to improve the most. Are you trying to get more explosive and quick? Or do you want to be someone that, once you open up stride, no one […]
Modern Pillars of Strength, Assessment, and Training with Dr. Matt Jordan
If you are looking to attain a certain level of strength, or speed, you must prepare for your training in a really specific way. The bottom line is that it is hard to get that much faster in your life. Most of us are born genetically with the muscles that make us fast or slow. […]
Why ‘Reactive Agility’ Is Important for Athletes—And How You Can Train It
Athletes are improving all over the world. The amount of technology and equipment that is now readily available for athletes of all different sports is better than it has ever been. As a result, people are more athletic, more explosive, and definitely more powerful. This means that, if you want to be an athlete, you […]
Rotational Sport Performance and Resiliency with Mark Kovacs, PhD
Sport performance comes down to a lot of things. Some people credit it to mental performance and mental stability. They believe that mentality is so important to maintaining a high level of athletic prowess. Doctors are constantly looking at new ways in which they can improve the performance of their athletes. Also, you want to […]
Why Your Ankle Mobility Sucks (And Why You Should Fix it ASAP)
Having good ankle mobility is really important for anyone that does physical activity. You need to be able to support the constant movement and duress that you are putting on your joints. If you do not work on your mobility, your ankles can lock up and it can be rather difficult for you to loosen […]