Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi perbedaan ketajaman pendengaran tenaga kerja di dua unit kerja, yaitu Unit Weaving III (Loom III) dan Unit Weaving Denim (Loom V), di PT. APAC Inti Corpora Bawen pada tahun 2006. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan pendekatan audiometri untuk mengukur tingkat ketajaman pendengaran tenaga kerja. Data dikumpulkan dari […]
Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional untuk membandingkan kapasitas vital paru dan tekanan darah antara perokok aktif dan pasif pada siswa Madrasah Hidayatul Mubtadi’in Semarang. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 60 siswa yang terbagi dalam dua kelompok: 30 siswa perokok aktif dan 30 siswa perokok pasif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, pengukuran kapasitas vital paru menggunakan […]
Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium dengan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mengukur perbedaan kandungan asam salisilat dalam sayuran sebelum dan sesudah dimasak. Sampel sayuran diambil dari beberapa pasar swalayan di Kota Medan, dengan jenis sayuran yang diuji meliputi bayam, kangkung, dan brokoli. Analisis kandungan asam salisilat dilakukan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis setelah sayuran direbus […]
Perbedaan Hasil Produksi Perajin Meubel Kayu antara yang Memakai Alat Pelindung Telinga (Earplug) dengan yang Tidak Memakai pada Divisi Mesin di PT. Kota Jati Furindo Jepara: Perspektif Kedokteran
Metode Penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif untuk membandingkan hasil produksi perajin meubel kayu di PT. Kota Jati Furindo Jepara yang menggunakan alat pelindung telinga (earplug) dengan yang tidak menggunakan. Data diperoleh melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan, wawancara dengan pekerja, serta analisis catatan produksi selama satu bulan. Pengukuran dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kebisingan di […]
Resistance Band Exercises for Speed
The most effective way to develop speed and quickness! The way we teach it, the resistance band workout will isolate and condition your muscles in ways they have never experienced, so they respond with more speed and quickness then ever before. Resistance Band Tied In a Loop and Ready for a Workout Resistance bands have […]
Tennis Serve Muscles – Forward Swing
Developing Speed and Power for the Tennis Serve Serve With More Speed and Power by Knowingthe Mechanics of the Serve and Which Muscles to condition Part 1 – The Stance & Back Swing Part 2 – The Forward Swing Part 3 – The Follow Through Tennis Speed – Best Exercises for Racket Speed & Court […]
Tennis Serve Muscles – Back Swing
Developing Speed and Power in the Tennis Serve Serve With More Speed and Power by Knowing the Mechanics of the Serve and Which Muscles To Condition Part 1 – The Stance & Back Swing Part 2 – The Forward Swing Part 3 – The Follow Through Tennis Speed – Best Exercises for Racket Speed & […]
Become an All Star Athlete
A Muscle’s Response to Isometric Training Using Speed Bands In the article titled How to Use Resistance Bands for Speed! I touched upon what happens to your muscles during an isometric contraction. In this article, I want to give you a more thorough, physiological explanation of a muscle response to isometric training using speed bands. […]
How to Throw a Football Farther
The following article was produced in response to this person’s inquiry: Good evening. I have read this paper and I am interested in learning if you have done any work with the throwing motion of a football using isometrics and resistance bands. Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you! I […]
Squatting Mistake Keeping You Slow. FIX IT. KEEP TO IT. RUN FASTER
So many athletes still think heavy squatting is the answer to running faster but they’re wrong. While studies have shown heavy squats boost athlete’s speed, there is a better way to squat for speed which provides faster results with less risk of injuries, and that’s squatting with power. What does that mean? It means squatting […]
Isometric Training For Longer Distance Runners
The type of isometric training we offer to longer distance runners is the same as we do for sprinters and here is the reason why: Our experience has shown that exercises outside of actual running to improve one’s speed (sled pushes, resisted running with parachutes, etc.), runners and sprinters will only engage in those exercises […]
How To Break Your Track Pb In 14 Days…Use This FREE Speed Challenge!!
If you want to set a new PB on the track then this free speed challenge is for you. This free challenge consists of just 9 minutes of total training time spread across 2 weeks. Yes 9 minutes over two weeks for a new PB on the track. How? By giving you a small insight […]
Stop Falling For The Testosterone Trap, Young Athletes!
This is off topic but every young athlete needs to hear this. An athlete asked me what the impacts of higher testosterone are and if he should take testosterone supplements. Having higher testosterone will benefit your performance through increased competitiveness, muscle mass and strength however testosterone supplements have very minor or no impacts on your […]
If You’re a Sprinter Who’s Not Doing This Exercise, You’re Leaving Speed Gains on The Table !!
What’s the best weight lifting movement for sprinters? Let’s find out. The best weightlifting movement to build speed for sports like sprinting is the clean. It promotes explosive power in the hips and knees which is transferable to sprinting. The clean engages your whole body like sprinting as you use your arms to propel you […]
90 Seconds of Training 3x per Week With This Free Speed Workout?? It’s a No-Brainer To Do !!
Isometrics is the underdog of speed training. But what’s an example you can use today if you want to run faster? Grab a lightweight resistance band and tie it around a heavy object. Then place your leg in the loop and stretch the band as shown, holding this position for 10 to 15 seconds. This […]