Dramatically Improve Speed
and out Perform in
every sport


Leg muscles help sprint speed
How Can Leg Muscles be Trained So You Sprint Faster?

How to run faster and react quicker by training the primary muscle fibers involved in running speed. AthleticQuickness.com brings you the Run Faster Speed Training Program developed by Dr. Larry Van Such How to run faster than ever before in just days Isometric training using variable resistance elastic exercise bands is the technique you will learn to develop the fast twitch muscles in your legs, thus increasing your running speed in just 14 days, 15 minutes each day. No other athletic speed training program is faster or more effective! We realize that Isometrics has been around for years. Now after… read more

How To Become a Faster and Better Player in Days – Not Weeks or Months

How to get faster muscle speed and quickly improve your athletic performance in all sports!   Having fast muscles is not the same as having strong muscles and you can not get faster contracting muscles by training for strength using traditional weight training routines – in fact that could actually make you slower. For speed, fast muscles will nearly always be more important than strong muscles – yet making your muscles faster is almost always misunderstood. The reason muscles can be both strong and fast is because they are composed of basically two fiber types. One type (slow twitch fibers)… read more

Workouts for the hip joint
Most Powerful Joint in Sports is Under Trained

Here’s Why You Don’t Run Faster Or Kick Harder, How to Fix it and Take Your Game to Levels You’ve Never Dreamed Possible! Even Professionals are Clueless and Wasting Their Time Okay, listen up athletes, coaches, trainers, professionals, amateurs, etc., I’ve got some groundbreaking information that I am going to share with you here today, information that can only be found at AthleticQuickness.com. This information is going to help you take your athletic performance to the very next level and possibly beyond. And I can say that with absolute confidence because what I am going to share with you here… read more

Improve Sports Performance with muscle speed
How to Increase Muscle Speed in Days

Speed Training Exercises Proven To Dramatically Improve Your Sports Performance In Days No matter What Your Sport, Age, Fitness or Skill Level   Here’s Why This Proven System Works and How You Can Make It Work For Yourself By using the AthleticQuickness.com speed training exercises two things will happen: 1)  Your fast twitch muscle fibers will be conditioned for speed properly, perhaps for the first time, and 2)  Your muscles’ memory will be programmed to execute predetermined quick and powerful contractions. This combination of properly conditioned fast twitch muscle fibers (these are the fibers in your muscles that are responsible for… read more

Why You Are Not Faster No Matter How Much You Workout

You keep doing the same workouts and you’re still missing 50% of the training! Every athlete who walks into a gym, practice field or track who ‘thinks’ they are training for running speed and then leaves the gym, practice field or track believing they have done everything humanly possible to help them get faster, is always leaving untouched upwards of 50% of the muscles responsible to make them faster. That’s right, half the muscles involved in running go untrained. If that’s true, do you think this could be the problem resulting in little or no improvements in speed gains? That… read more

running speed and body torques
How Body Torques Give Faster Running Speed

During the Summer of 2016 Dr. Larry VanSuch was honored to present this material, ‘5 Torgues for Faster Running Speed’ at the Realta Clinic Seminar attended by world class Olympic athletes, trainers, coaches, and therapists from Jamaica, Ireland, Belgium, and other parts of Europe. Everald Edwards – Personal Trainer to Usain Bolt – Gold Medal Olympic Champion Gavin James – Therapist/Teacher/Trainer to the Jamaican Olympic Sprint Team and personal trainer to Christina Day (400m Sprint), Jaheel Hyde (2014 World Junior 400m Hurdles Champion), & Kaliese Spencer (400m Hurdles) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 5 Torgues for Faster Running Speed by Dr. Larry VanSuch</h3 Did… read more

Baseball Swing Speed Exercise
Baseball Swing Speed Exercises

Attention baseball players who want more hits, more homeruns and fewer strike outs… Does your hitting coach have you training your superior and inferior gemellus muscles? These two tiny little muscles located in the posterior hip region hold the key to your baseball swing speed and hitting power! That’s right.  You may think you are improving your baseball swing speed, but if you aren’t training these two little hip muscles and seven others collectively known as the lateral or external rotators of the hip, then your bat speed, hitting distance, and, yes, even your pitching & throwing speed will be… read more

Kicking and hip flexors
Kicking Power and Hip Flexors

Strong Hip Flexor Muscles Increase Kicking Power and Kicking Distance Even Top Players Can Immediately Kick Harder and Kick Farther The hip flexors play a major role in kicking, whether it’s a soccer ball or with other kicking responsibilities such as kicking field goals, kickoffs and punting in football. In Figure 1 below, an athlete is making his final preparation to kick a soccer ball.  As soon as he plants his left foot on the ground, the right thigh and leg are pushed backward. This stretches, or loads, the hip flexor muscles in the front and readies them for an… read more

Athletes getting great results
Why This Speed Training Workout Gives Great Results

Some people have a hard time believing it’s possible to get great results from their speed training workouts. If you’re one of them this may help. Why AthleticQuickness.com Speed Training ProgramsProduce Such Great Results! The reason these speed training workouts produce such great results at quickly conditioning your muscles to be fast and responsive is because during an isometric contraction with resistance bands, the muscles’ motor unit recruitment patterns are entirely new and different than what has been normally experienced by a muscle that has not been conditioned with this type of training. When using the resistance band with an… read more

resistance bands for speed
How to Use Resistance Bands for Speed!

Resistance Bands for Running! In this article, I am going to show you how to use resistance bands for speed, the correct way, so that your fast twitch muscle fibers will start to contract quicker than ever before.  And, once you start training them the way I’m about to explain, you’ll be able to do things a whole lot better such as run faster, jump higher and kick a ball farther, to name a few.  Exciting stuff for sure, so, let’s get started! Resistance bands, or, speed bands have a very unique physical property known as variable elastic potential.  This… read more

The running process - swing phase
Secrets to Running Speed – The Swing Phase

Little Known Secrets of Speed Training That Will Make You Faster in Days The Swing Phase Here I am going to continue to break down the running process and talk about the second phase of running, the swing phase and how conditioning your muscles for just this one phase will quickly make a huge improvement in your speed. We are also going to discuss the dynamic role your hip flexor muscles play in this phase and also going to get into how and why your fast twitch muscle fibers respond very quickly and produce more speed when being trained with… read more

How Darrell Wesh Won 60m National Gold

At the Nike Indoor National Championships, Darrell Wesh wins the Gold Medal in the 60m.   He reveals here for the 1st time the training that allowed him to dominate the competition throughout his senior year. As a sprinter for Landstown H.S. in Viginia Beach Virginia, Darrell Wesh struggled during his junior year to get the speed he wanted. He was then introduced by a friend to the AthleticQuickness.com RUN FASTER speed training program. Darrell says he devoured every morsel of information he could find on the AthleticQuickness.com website and incorporated it into his workout regimen. “I stayed away from… read more

How NFL Cornerback Sprints Fastest 40 in One Week

NFL Cornerback, Mark Parson, trained hard for months using workouts provided by coaches and trainers yet his 40 time never improved. He Tries the AthleticQuickness.com Run Faster Program and easily beats his Personal Best in the 40 in one week! Mark Parson – NFL Cornerback   “I was searching the internet in my hotel room to find the extra edge in speed”, NFL cornerback Mark Parson reports. “When I saw the AthleticQuickness.com website, I was amazed at all the information that Dr. Van Such provided, because most trainers do not provide the ‘why’ and ‘how’ specifics of each exercise like… read more

Meet Developer of the Speed Training Programs

Dr. Larry Van Such D.C. Author and Developer of the Speed Training Programs Many people have asked how I discovered this amazing technique to increase speed and quickness. When I was a youth I wanted to get stronger and faster and play better in sports. My dream was to be able to play football in college and I was willing try different things to be a better player. So one day I purchased an isometric training product that came with springs and traction ropes. I was sold on the idea that I could increase the size of my biceps muscles… read more

State Champion Baseball Player
How 2nd String Sub Became All State Baseball Champion

Mick Baker goes from 2nd string sub batting 9th toleading his team as State Champions while batting 4th with highest RBI total, fewest strikeouts, .377 batting ave. and winning All State Honors! He trained during 2 off seasons using the AQSpeed Baseball Training Program to become a top ranked player in Iowa.   “As a high school sophomore, I was 5 foot 5 inches tall, weighed about 140 pounds and struggled throwing the ball across the infield. I batted 9th sparingly and was mainly used as a defensive substitute. I was not fast enough or strong enough to compete against… read more

How to Become Faster Than Ever!

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NFL Cornerback Sprints Fastest 40 Ever!

runs fastest 40
AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Mark Parson

NFL Cornerback Runs Fastest 40 After One Week of Training

Breaking Records

AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Anthony Chesson

Breaks 200m Southern Classic record set by NFL Pro-Bowler

Becomes 2 Time All American!


AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Darrell Wesh

ACC 200m Gold Medal
HS 60m National Champion
2 Time Collegiate All American

Goes From 2nd String Sub to State Honors!


AQSpeed Trail Blazer:

Mick Baker

Smallest player, batting 4th, leads team to Iowa State Championship, Named Tournament RBI Leader