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Speed Training – What They Never Told You!


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In order to run more quickly there are certain muscle fibers that must be worked out in order to increase speed. Training those certain muscle fibers can be done with resistance training. The muscles that are used for speed are different than those that are used to build strength. Increasing your strength training, which is what a lot of athletes try to do, can actually slow you down because you are not training the right parts of your muscles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Isometric band training is the single most effective way to quickly increase speed of muscle contraction?
  • Isometric training using variable resistance elastic exercise bands is the technique you will learn to develop the fast twitch muscles in your legs.
  • For speed, fast muscles will nearly always be more important than strong muscles.

“Having fast muscles is not the same as having strong muscles and you can not get faster contracting muscles by training for strength using traditional weight training routines – in fact that could actually make you slower.”

Read more: https://athleticquickness.com/speed-training/


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