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Modern Pillars of Strength, Assessment, and Training with Dr. Matt Jordan

If you are looking to attain a certain level of strength, or speed, you must prepare for your training in a really specific way. The bottom line is that it is hard to get that much faster in your life. Most of us are born genetically with the muscles that make us fast or slow. As a result, these things cannot be altered too much but they can be tweaked a bit. The first step is to get assessed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coach, Matt Jordan possesses a Master of Science in Exercise and Neuromuscular Physiology, and a PhD in Medical Science from the University of Calgary.
  • One sports theory that has come under some attack during the last ten years is the theory of periodization.
  • Periodization is defined as intentional sequential overload that includes phases complementary to the next.

“Dr. Matt Jordan is a strength and conditioning coach/performance consultant for elite athletes with six Olympic cycles of experience.”

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