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Training For Speed and Power with Limited Space and/or Equipment

If you are attempting to do some serous training but do not have adequate space you have other awesome options. For example, rather then using med ball throws you can substitute dumbbells for power. You can try plyometrics which is basically jumping on 2 legs, then down to 1. Squat jumps are very effective which targets many leg muscles. Finally there is the good old bunny hop using a variety of objects to simply hop over. Regardless of which you enjoy, space is not an issue when you are engaged in training.

Key Takeaways:

  • When we think of increasing speed we think we need a lot of space and equipment for power.
  • You can sprint and change direction with a small amount of space with the use of cones.
  • You also don’t need a ton of equipment, you can simply just use medicine balls.

“With speed, a component that needs to be trained is the ability to change direction to meet the demands for court and field sports.”

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