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Football Coaches and Slow 40 Times

There is a video that we use to show people how they can improve their speed and one of those ways is to exercise the hip flexors. A lot of coaches message us and ask us why these muscles are so important for improving speed, and they just don’t understand it. If you want to increase your speed by 1.1 second, then you will want to turn to these exercises. With all the information out there, it’s surprising how behind the times people are.

Key Takeaways:

  • It was shocking to me that so many football coaches were behind the times about this exercise.
  • There is a lot of information out there about how to improve your speed, you just have to have the desire to look for it.
  • Using hip flexors has worked for me in improving the time by at least one second.

““You’re propelled forward by pushing down against the ground. Though you need to get your other leg up quickly, it isn’t against resistance, so it seems pretty odd that adding strength to those muscles would have much (any?) of an effect.””

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