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Personal Speed Training – Session #1
The Ultimate Running Speed Equation

Alright now the first thing I want to know from the people I train is what exercises and/or drills they are currently doing to help themselves run faster. And the reason I want to know this information right from the beginning is because if a person is already doing some of the things that I […]

1/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Introduction

Part 1 of 12 – Introduction Hello everyone, I am Dr. Larry VanSuch for and you are watching video #2 of this series called Speed Training Sessions. Before I begin, I want to say if you haven’t already watched the first video, then I highly recommend you go ahead and do that now before […]

2/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Definition of Torque

Part 2 of 12 – Review and Definition of Torque A Quick Review of Session #1 In Session #1 I showed you the most popular speed training exercises athletes routinely told me they did to help themselves get faster and after going through this list we saw where the glutes/hams, quads and calves were the […]

3/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Setting the Stage

3 Part 3 of 12 – Settng the Stage for Torque Discusson In order for you to see how the glutes/hams, quads and calves produce torque you are going to need to look at them from a different perspective because if you only look at them this way, from the side (See Figure 1) Figure […]

4/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Torque #1

4/ Part 4 of 12 – Torque #1: Glutes, Hams, Quads, Calves Okay, so back to the role of the glutes/hams, quads and calves. See Figure 1. Figure 4-1. Glutes/hams, quads and calves I’ve mentioned several times already, that what everyone typically tells me they think these muscles do, is simply “push the body forward” […]

role of hip flexors in running

5/12: Role of the Hip Flexors in Running

Part 5 of 12 – Hip Flexors Hold the Key to Your Success If you think you know the hip flexors, well then, think again.  The hip flexors are more than just another muscle group to consider exercising as a way to get faster… so much more.  In this article I am going to blow […]

how the arms are used in running

6/12: How The Arms Are Used In Running

Part 6 of 12 – Arms Produce Torque in the Transverse, 3D, Plane In this part, I am going to explain to you how the arms are used in running.  And, to help you appreciate their role, I am going to continue showing you the human body in 3D (dimensions), not 2D, because, well, we […]

purpose of arm swing when running

7/12: The Purpose of Arm Swing When You Run

Part 7/12 – Arm Swing Torque Produced by Shoulder Extensor Muscles Okay, in the last article I began our discussion regarding arm swing and the role the arms play in running and told you that both of the arms work with only one of the hips/legs at a time and that they DO NOT WORK […]

8/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Torque #5

Part 8 of 12 – Torque #5: The Spinal Rotators If you couldn’t see the torques being generated by the arms and legs where there was an obvious moving body part involved, then you stood no chance of ever seeing this fifth and final one, that being the torque produced by muscles along the spine […]

9/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – The Equation

Part 9 of 12 – Putting the Equation Together Now that I’ve had a chance to show you how each of these five torques are created and work individually, I want you to see them all at the same time so you can begin to appreciate how they come together to help you run as […]

10/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – The Two Patterns of Torque

Part 10 of 12 – The Two Patterns of Torque Figure 10-1. The Ultimate Running Speed Equation Okay, let’s clear out some of these graphics on our images and replace our male athlete with the female as seen in Figure 10-2 below and you will notice her right hip is now flexed in front, her […]

11/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Identify Torque Patterns

Part 11 of 12 – How to Identify Torque Patterns First, you will recall a short while back that I said the hip flexors always work alone, so, if we look at the image on the left in Figure 11-1 below, we see that her left hip is being flexed and the torque creating a […]

12/12: The Ultimate Running Speed Equation – Torque Patterns in Action

Part 12 of 12 – Torque Patterns in Action Alright, this is what it’s all about! Let’s get right to it and see if you can identify some torque patterns in action. To get things started I’m going to place my shoulder line, hip line and midline on the athlete, like this. And I’m also […]

how to quickly increase speed

How to Quickly Increase Speed in Muscles

What is the single most effective way to quickly increase speed of muscle contraction? Answer: Isometric Training with the Resistance Band  The quickest way to get faster! Every athlete with the desire to sprint faster and increase speed using conventional strength training methods will inevitably be faced with only two choices on how to do […]

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