Dramatically Improve Speed
and outPerform in
every sport

How To Become a Faster and Better Player in Days – Not Weeks or Months

Training for speed is not the same as training for endurance. The muscles of the human body exist as one of two fibers: fast twitch and slow twitch. The former excel at activating rapidly and the latter are best at resisting heavy loads over time. Both have their strengths, but one cannot replace the other. To get faster at any sport, use an resistance band to isometrically exercise the hip flexor; the primary muscle responsible for lifting the leg.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is known that for speed, faster muscles are preferred over stronger muscles, but it is not well understood how to make the muscles faster.
  • Muscles can be both fast and strong at the same time because they have two types of fibers, slow twitch fibers and fast twitch fibers.
  • To accomplish muscle speed, one has to condition the fast twitch muscle for their natural ability to contract, giving amazing speed and acceleration.

“Having fast muscles is not the same as having strong muscles and you can not get faster contracting muscles by training for strength using traditional weight training routines – in fact that could actually make you slower.”

Read more: https://athleticquickness.com/fast-muscles/


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