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6 Ways to Save Youth Sports from Ruining Kids

Youth sports should be fun and a way for kids to socialize. If you are looking for something more when kids are that young, you should go and find something else for them to do. You do not want to have try hard kids ruining the experience for everyone else that is partaking in the sport. Sports are fun and a great way for people to band together over something. Now, this idea must be upheld for kids.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sometimes it is good for kids to stop competing in sports and just play games for fun.
  • Kids need access to better physical education and nutrition programs at school, but unfortunately these programs are often underfunded.
  • Playing on local sports teams instead of travel teams allows kids to have time for study and other activities.

“The future of sport doesn’t look good right now, with an alarming trend of falling participation rates, rising injury rates, and more and more videos of parents acting like children.”

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