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πŸ›‘The BIG Mistake Track Athletes Make πŸ›‘

Fast twitch muscles contract quickly for explosive movements like sprinting and weight lifting. Slow twitch muscles move slowly for endurance activities like running or cycling.

Training for fast twitch involves high intensity short duration exercises. Slow twitch training focuses on endurance activities and high repetition low to moderate resistance strength training.

To run faster you need to train your fast twitch muscle fibers with different training types such as Sprint intervals, Plyometrics, isometrics with resistance bands, explosive movements in resistance training, Hill Sprints and more.

But remember these training types are very demanding and require proper rest and Recovery. You don’t get faster while training but when you recover. And if you want to get faster in record time then get your free guide with the link in my bio thank you


Send to a track athlete still making this mistake!πŸ“²

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