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Why You Are Not Faster No Matter How Much You Workout

Do you ever find yourself thinking your workouts just aren’t as productive as they could be? Are you failing to see the type of results you desire? This article explains why what you may be doing incorrectly in your routine. It touches on topics from muscle group utilization to certain exercises that don’t target your entire body and provides an educational guide, with picture, on what your body actually does when it is running and how you can improve.

Key Takeaways:

  • Only half of an athletes muscles are properly trained and this leads to them failing to increase their speed.
  • Most exercises focus on the so-called push phase of exercising while being focused on the same muscle groups.
  • Hip flexors are the key to unlocking the potential in those muscles that are not being appropriately targeted in most other work outs.

“There are several reasons why half the muscles involved in running go untouched.”

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