There are many routines and training regimes that will work on your joints, but the most powerful joint is often neglected. Hip joint is the joint where the foundation for both strength and speed comes from. They are also immensely important in our daily activities. There are several planes of motion hip joint moves through, which is where its potency is coming from. In order to extract the most benefit out of it, you need to train it to the full range of motion in all planes.
Key Takeaways:
- The hip joint has six planes of motion, each of which needs to be trained.
- Most people are already training their hip extensors with leg presses, squats, lunges and deadlifts.
- Three planes – hip flexion, internal hip rotation, and external hip rotation – are usually overlooked in training.
“Your hip joint is so important that it is the focal point of all of your core strength and power and it initiates a lot of your athletic movements.”
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