Microdosing off the Track and the Tools to Make It Work
Making sure that you know your body is essential to training as a runner. Some people are just born to be runners. They do not even need to work that hard as a runner. Their bodies are just built for that and they have a really natural ability to simply run. Therefore, when training these types of people, you need to use that ability. Stimulate them more than just running on the track. Be creative in their running movements.
- Many people are born runners who just can run for as long as they are told to do so.
- There are plenty of ways in which someone can train themselves to be a more efficient runner.
- Monitoring the way, and the distance, that you run can really help you become more conditioned.
“The experience of running while wearing the Exogen suit is actually quite amazing, because nothing moves when you have it on: You don’t feel the weights moving with momentum. It is a pure movement feel, unlike ankle weights or even the Kolka Thigh trainers (who remembers those from the early 2000s?).”
About the Author of this post: Dr. VanSuch is a chiropractor and former electrical engineer. He developed the speed training method that uses resistance bands with an isometric training strategy to help athletes run faster starting way back in 1996. He has been teaching this technique to athletes, coaches and parents for the last 25+ years and has quite an extensive list of testimonials found throughout this website. Dr. VanSuch’s speed training programs are for running, kicking, jumping as well as swinging a golf club, baseball bat or tennis racket. He also has written an MMA speed program. Athletes of all fitness levels have used his training method with great success. He looks forward to hearing from all those who come across his work and are wanting to learn more. Feel free to contact him at support@athleticquickness.com