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Jackie Bradley Jr. Robbed a Walk-Off HR in Mind-Blowing Fashion

Jackie Bradley seemingly channeled his inner spider man when he caught a ball that should have been one of the most epic hits, he instead decided to make sure that he had an epic catch instead. He also made it sound like it was no big deal, he simply just tracked the ball and then jumped in an effort to catch it. He was able to do so and robbed Trey Mancini of a great hit, although not completely intentional.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Orioles and Red Sox were tied in the 11th when Jackie Bradley Jr. robbed Trey Mancini of a homer.
  • Winner of a 2018 Gold Glove, JBJ made the catch sound easy in a post-game interview.
  • Boston scored in their next time at bat and won the game 2-1.

“Bradley Jr. channeled his inner-Spider-man for what very well could end up being the catch of the MLB season.”

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