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Baseball Swing Speed Exercise

Baseball Swing Speed Exercises

Attention baseball players who want more hits, more homeruns and fewer strike outs… Does your hitting coach have you training your superior and inferior gemellus muscles? These two tiny little muscles located in the posterior hip region hold the key to your baseball swing speed and hitting power! That’s right.  You may think you are […]

Tips on faster runnig speed and kicking power

Hip Rotators for Soccer Speed and Strong Kicks

Train Hip Rotator Muscles to Immediately Improve Soccer Speed and Kicking Power Soccer Speed Secrets   This information is going to help take your athletic performance to the very next level and possibly beyond.   I can say that with absolute confidence. Athletes who have access to the best information and training money can buy still […]

glute muscles used in sports

Condition Glutes for all Sports Activities

The Glutes – How to get the advantage in a game situation! The Glutes are often conditioned for pushing and jumping, yet they are mostly under-developed for pulling. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a huge fan of what the hip flexor muscles can do for any athlete desiring speed, power and […]

running steps

Running Steps – A Good Workout or Not?

Is Running Steps a Good Idea, or a Bad Idea? An interesting question ….. I love to run steps whenever I get the opportunity.  Years ago when I was in my early 20’s, I was living with my sister and brother-in-law in their condominium in Pompano Beach, Florida. The building we were living in at […]

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