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3 Surefire Methods for Increasing Your Shooting Percentage

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It has some transcendent athletes and it is something that brings a lot of people together. Also, basketball is one of the sports that you can improve on the most if you practice a lot. There are other sports out there that are not so easy to train and get better if you are not naturally good. However, if you shoot and practice a lot, you will get better in basketball.

Key Takeaways:

  • By focusing on practicing your all-net shots, you can fine-tune your shot accuracy.
  • Many people neglect ball pick-up skills, meaning the transition from dribbling to shooting.
  • Doing some short-distance shots with a weighted ball can help you build shot speed and strength.

“I’ve worked with basketball players of all different ages and skill levels, and I’ve identified a few strategies that can help almost anyone improve their shooting percentage.”

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