Christian McCaffrey plays for the Carolina Panthers and is one of the fastest running backs in the NFL. This year, he hopes to be even faster. He is training with his former high school track coach. McCaffrey states that running is his job, and working with his track coach is making him faster and stronger. […]
Why Michael Thomas Has Been ‘Training Like a Sprinter’ This Offseason
Michael Thomas is a superstar in the NFL, being one of the best current players in the game. While he already achieves a good performance, he’s striving to become even better at the game. He undergoes a largely secret workout regimen that is tailored to improve his weak spots. One of his flaws as a […]

How to Use Resistance Bands for Speed!
Resistance Bands for Running! In this article, I am going to show you how to use resistance bands for speed, the correct way, so that your fast twitch muscle fibers will start to contract quicker than ever before. And, once you start training them the way I’m about to explain, you’ll be able to do […]
The Forgotten Muscle That’s Key to Being a Better Athlete
As an athlete, you most likely spend your practice time focusing on body parts that are essential to having a great game, but is there one you might be forgetting? In a new blog post sponsored by Stack, they advise that working out your glute Medius is often overlooked in training programs, provides reasoning as […]

Secrets to Running Speed – The Swing Phase
Little Known Secrets of Speed Training That Will Make You Faster in Days The Swing Phase Here I am going to continue to break down the running process and talk about the second phase of running, the swing phase and how conditioning your muscles for just this one phase will quickly make a huge improvement […]

How Darrell Wesh Won 60m National Gold
At the Nike Indoor National Championships, Darrell Wesh wins the Gold Medal in the 60m. He reveals here for the 1st time the training that allowed him to dominate the competition throughout his senior year. As a sprinter for Landstown H.S. in Viginia Beach Virginia, Darrell Wesh struggled during his junior year to get the […]
How NFL Cornerback Sprints Fastest 40 in One Week
NFL Cornerback, Mark Parson, trained hard for months using workouts provided by coaches and trainers yet his 40 time never improved. He Tries the Run Faster Program and easily beats his Personal Best in the 40 in one week! Mark Parson – NFL Cornerback “I was searching the internet in my hotel room to […]

Meet Developer of the Speed Training Programs
Dr. Larry Van Such D.C. Author and Developer of the Speed Training Programs Many people have asked how I discovered this amazing technique to increase speed and quickness. When I was a youth I wanted to get stronger and faster and play better in sports. My dream was to be able to play football in […]

How 2nd String Sub Became All State Baseball Champion
Mick Baker goes from 2nd string sub batting 9th to leading his team as State Champions while batting 4th with highest RBI total, fewest strikeouts, .377 batting ave. and winning All State Honors! He trained during 2 off seasons using the AQSpeed Baseball Training Program to become a top ranked player in Iowa. “As a […]