Gatorade Virginia Athlete of the Year Darrell Wesh looks back at the competition.
Darrell Wesh struggled his HS junior year to get the speed he wanted. He was then introduced to the RUN FASTER speed training program.
Darrell says he devoured every morsel of information he could find on the website and incorporated it into his workout regimen.
“I stayed away from weights and plyometrics. I did body weight exercises like pullups and pushups to ensure I would not get too bulky for my body. But most importantly, the resistance bands training sealed the deal.”
“I felt like Usain Bolt the whole season. I was untouchable. I was dominating the competition by half a second in the 100 meter dash at the State meet. And in the 200. Catching guys from WAY back in the 4×100 relay.”
In the New Balance Nationals in Greensboro North Carolina he took 2nd in the 100m with a time of 10.42, only 1/100th of a second behind the 1st place finisher.
At the Virginia state meet he won the 55m and 300m meters. His times were the fastest times recorded during the year for U.S. national rankings.
At the Group AAA state meet he won the 100, 200 and anchored the winning 400-meter relay. In the 100 he had the 2nd fastest time ever in the state of Virginia.
At the Nike Indoor Nationals in March, Darrell took 1st place as high school national champion in the 60 meter.
“Thank you so much Dr. Larry Van Such for an incredible product. Believe in the hype. If you follow the instructions as he recommends and stay away from long distance runs and weights and plyos you WILL get faster like I did.”
“This is Darrell Wesh, and I am proud to be a RUN FASTER customer.”
His track performances earned him a 4 year scholarship at the D1 level where he became a Two Time All American and Conference 200m Gold Champion.

“I see a tremendous difference when they run and speed has improved dramatically”
“My name is Charles Byrd and I am the assistant strength and conditioning coach for the New Orleans Saints. We have recently started using the RUN FASTER speed training program and have seen some unbelievable results.
The isometric training has helped recruit the type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers with our players and they have more strength in their hip flexors than ever before. I can see a tremendous difference in our players knee drive when they run and their speed has improved dramatically.
I definitely recommend anyone to use the training program and you will feel the results immediately. The exercises have been working great and I have been using them with most of my players.”
Charles Byrd
NFL New Orleans Saints
Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach

“After using the Run Faster program I ended up winning two conference championships!”
“I played D1 soccer in the USA and initially experimented with Dr. Larry Van Such’s methods as a part of my overall training regime. I found them to be very effective and Increased my speed over short and long distances. I was amazed by the results, almost thought they were in my head. This was completely different than we were being taught by our Strength and Conditioning coaches at school.
After using the Run Faster program I ended up winning two conference championships for my university, Winthrop University, and was an integral part of the team. I’ve played in Ireland and NPSL in the USA. I still currently play and will stay active for the next decade at a high level partly because of these methods for increasing and maintaining speed as one gets older.
Dr. Larry explained in detail over the phone to me, how and why his methods work, a real testament to the efforts he’s put in to research over the past number of years.
I’d like to say thank you again for passing on your knowledge, thinking outside the box and running with your gut. I think with your help I could go very far in soccer for the next few years and make a quantum leap.”
Tomas – Wexford, Ireland
“I ran my fastest 40 ever!”
Houston Texans and New Orleans Saints Cornerback, Mark Parson, is sharing his speed secret with other NFL Athletes
NFL Cornerback, Mark Parson, trained hard for months using workouts provided by coaches and trainers yet his 40 time never improved.
He tries the Run Faster Program and easily beats his Personal Best 40 in one week!
“I was searching the internet in my hotel room to find the extra edge in speed”, NFL cornerback Mark Parson reports.
“When I saw the website, I was amazed at all the information that Dr. Van Such provided, because most trainers do not provide the ‘why’ and ‘how’ specifics of each exercise like he does, and it made me more interested and I wanted to try his program.”
Within the first week I could tell a difference
“I took a leap of faith (only like $30 lol) and purchased his Run Faster Program and within the first week I could tell a difference before even stepping on the field to run.”
“My legs felt lighter, and my hip flexors, hamstrings and glutes were extremely stronger!”
Trainer notices big difference – He can’t comprehend it
“I started my training with my personal trainer and he noticed something different with my turnover while I ran. He said something was different. Mind you I only had been doing this Run Faster Program for about a week, and I forgot to mention the program only consists of a 15 minute workout each day.”
“He didn’t understand how I could improve so fast, and to be honest neither did I. So the next day he surprised me and pulled out his stop watch and wanted to time me and the other NFL athletes.”
“I ran my fastest 40 ever!”
Randy Booker – International Professional –Uses AQ Speed Training for Basketball Skills
Hi, My name is Randy Booker.
Within the last year I have traveled around the world from San Luis Potosi Mexico to Adana, Mersin, Tarsus, and Instanbul Turkey furthering my career as a professional basketball player.
The hard work I put in had given me a great deal of athleticism, but I wanted to find a way to become not just a great athlete, but a FREAKISH ATHLETE!
Sets Goal of 44 inch Vertical and Speed Increase
I set a goal for myself that I wanted to gain a 44 inch vertical and increase my speed.
I began searching the internet for ways to increase my performance with the understanding that it would HAVE to be something legit because since I was already a good athlete, it would be harder for me to see gains than it would be for the untrained or inexperienced.
I found Dr. Van Such’s work on youtube and immediately began to use those workouts while also researching his philosophy top to bottom around the internet.
Even as a Top Athlete, Important Muscles were Underdeveloped
Though I train with all the things that most train with for Vertical Jump and Speed and though I had a pretty good idea of it all, I was shocked at how quickly I got results from just doing this program for 2 weeks and how I, an experienced top level athlete, had ignored these important muscles.
I am very resourceful and I am extreme researcher because I want to be the best…but I had never seen or been taught this before.
After this, I reached out and contacted him to learn more about his speed training and to see how and if he could further help me in my goals, excited because of the fast results it gave me! He and I talked, I learned, and then proceeded to do the full program for 2 months.
Gets down from 4.7s to a low of a 4.49 and consistent low 4.5s using this program
Years ago i purchased this program before I went to LSU to play football. I play running back and it is no secret how important speed and quickness is to a running back.
As of now I am speaking with professional teams such as NY Giants, Bills, 49ers, Jets, and the Cardinals. In the CFL I am currently talking to Montreal, The Roughriders, and the BC Lions.
I had been to a camp for about 10 weeks and they never once did any isometric training or work with the hip flexors. I was surprised at why no one was training these muscles. These trainers may have all kinds of certifications but that doesn’t always mean they know a lot. And I wondered if the reason many people hurt their hip flexors was because they never train them.
More people should use these exercises since they are easy enough to do anywhere.
Last May through the summer I was able to get down from 4.7s to a low of a 4.49 and consistent low 4.5s using this program. Thank God for Mr. VanSuch and his team over at AQ. Now that I’m recovered from injury I plan to re-continue using this program and regain form!
Josh Harrison making his move on the football field.
This program is unbelievable!
After doing the speed exercise for two weeks, I came from running a 4.65 in the 40 yard dash to 4.35 on the track with spikes.
I also didn’t think that I was running 40 yard dash, I thought that I was running a 30 yard dash because the results were so AMAZING. Until my friend and I discovered that it was 40 yard dash that I was running.
I can’t wait to see my time in the 40 yard dash on the football field with cleats.
Thank you, your speed program has been a blessing.”
Josh Harrison – Florida
State Champion Credits AthleticQuickness For Success
“As a high school sophomore, I was 5 foot 5 inches tall, weighed about 140 pounds and struggled throwing the ball across the infield. I batted 9th sparingly and was mainly used as a defensive substitute.
I was not fast enough or strong enough to compete against varsity level competition.
Looked for Ways to Improve his Game
I needed something else I could incorporate with my workout routine that would really focus on the key muscles used for baseball.
I had heard of AQSpeed from people at various baseball showcases around the country, so I was willing to give it a try.
I stated seeing results instantly!”
Workouts with AQ Baseball Speed Training During Off Season
Mick worked out using the Swing Faster, Throw Harder, and Run Quicker baseball speed training program 3 times a week, every week during the off season.
As a junior when the season started the following May, he was using the muscles in his arms, abdominals and legs like he had never done before, and felt he was in mid-season form right from the 1st game. His coach moved him to 1st in the batting order and then to 4th in the batting order. He was driving gaps, getting more base hits and covering the infield like he never thought possible.
Read the rest of the Mick Baker Story – his Senior Year and State Honors
Jevon Bowman, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach South Dakota University.
“When I first got the program I was skeptical but willing to use it. I was also hopeful because “speed kills” and anything that helps our athletes get faster is great!
I was thinking there was no way this can work to make our people faster; it seemed so basic and easy but after reading more into it I was like, “this makes a lot of sense”.
So I put our elite athletes on it at first, guys that were already fast. We did the program first thing in the morning, 6 AM. The Run Faster program was very easy and simple to add in to our existing training routines and so it did not interfere with our other training, which was good. The players liked doing it; they like anything that might make them faster, especially our skill players!
At first some of the players were sore after using the program because it was new to them but after the 1st week things got better for them. I have to say that none of our athletes have ever done this type of training before and they were all very excited to try it.
The thing I liked is that it only took about a week for our athletes to feel a difference.
We had ten of our elite guys try it and their average time in the 40 dropped .082 seconds and again this was after only about a week!
Mind you they were already fast so this is big for them!
Since we are approaching summer at this time, the athletes will continue to do the program in their discretionary time. We plan to continue to use the program and also plan to incorporate this speed program into all our other sports here at the University of South Dakota. ”
Jevon Bowman M.A., CSCS, RSCC
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach
University of South Dakota
Jacob D. is now a starting wide receiver and runs a 4.58 forty.
“During pre-season football i was trying really hard to make varsity (as a wide receiver) but i didn’t make it. Then, after I completed the two week challenge, my speed went up so much the coaches noticed immediately and sent me up to varsity as a starting receiver!
I went from being on JV to starting on varsity by doing 1 exercise a couple of minutes a day for just 2 weeks! I can’t imagine what will happen when i complete the whole program.
I asked my coach to time me in the 40 yard dash: I went from a 4.96 to a solid 4.58. That’s almost .4 seconds in just 2 weeks. This program is REDICULOUS! If you really want to get faster than this is the thing for you. ”
40 second audio
Jacob D. – Los Angeles
Speed Challenge Participant
Masters sprinter now beating personal best times.
I’m a 67 year old sprinter who started competing just 4 years ago, after a 46 year long break from any sort of athletics. I competed in the Senior Games National Championships in the 50m, 100m, and 200m sprints. My finishes weren’t the best, but I finished about 0.5 seconds off my PRs which were set in 2015 & 16.
I started the Run Faster Athletic quickness program shortly after that meet, and got about 5 weeks of training in, using the bands and online training videos, before my next meet. That meet was the National Championships of the “State Games of America.
There, I set a new PR in my 100m event (13.99), a full second faster than the meet 2 months earlier, and 0.5 faster than my old PR set in 2015. In the same meet,
I bettered my earlier time in the 200m by 0.26 second and in the 50m improved my time by 0.31 sec.
I have one more meet coming up and continue to incorporate your program in my daily workouts. At an age when I’m supposed to getting a little slower each year, my times are improving, and hope to have new PRs across the board by the end of the year, thanks to the Athletic Quickness program.
Thank you for your program.
Glen Betts
Masters Sprinter
David Crichton plays semi pro football for a championship team in Seattle.
“My name is David from Seattle Washington. I play Defensive End and Tackle for a championship semi-professional football team.
Before I bought the Run Faster program I took the 14 day challenge and recorded my before and after times in the 40 with 2 other players:
David 6’3”: 40 yard dash: Before at 272 lbs: 5.6. After: 5.16 at 287 lbs.
John 6’3”: 40 yard dash: Before at 226 lbs: 5.6. After: 5.13 at 237 lbs.
Taurus 6’6”: 40 yard dash: Before at 310 lbs: 5.8. After: 5.26 at 310 lbs.
I did the band exercise between 10-10:30pm at the field before running our usual 3 miles on the track.
John did not lift heavy on leg days. He continued doing the exercise during the season.
Taurus also stuck with the program during the season.
I bought the program and kept it to myself and have have been using since I bought it. My latest time is 4.83 in the 40 and my weight is 294lbs.
The coaching staff is now using the exercise as a part of their training program.
Thank you for a program that works so well.
David Crichton – Seattle, WA Speed Challenge Participant
Professional Golfer Jaacob Bowden clocks 155mph club head speed and record 421 yard drive.
“The martial artist Bruce Lee is known for being pound-for-pound one of the fastest and quickest athletes the world has ever seen.
Through my research, I found out that isometrics were a big part of his training regimen.
As I was looking for ways to increase my own golf swing speed, I decided to implement isometrics in to my long drive training using the very same bands you can get here at
The results were phenomenal! Using the bands to complement my other training techniques, I increased my maximum club head speed to 155 mph and hit an event-record 421-yard drive to win a qualifier for the Remax World Long Drive Championships.
Consequently, we now advocate the use of isometrics training with resistance bands as a part of our overall swing speed training programs at Swing Man Golf.
Isometrics with resistance bands for higher swing speeds and longer drives really do work!.”
Jaacob Bowden
Professional Golfer and Long Drive Champion
Warren Bankston is all smiles after recording a personal best club speed.
Dr. Van Such, For some years, I’ve been using your Golf Program and have gotten great results.
I compete in the RE/MAX long drive competitions, and I feel I have a real shot at making the world finals this year.
Here’s a photo of the swing speed radar I use showing a recent all-time best, thanks to your program.
I believe the additional exercises you’ve shared with me will be a great addition and provide an additional 5-7 mph that I feel I’m leaving on the table.
Your program is the best! As a scientist by training, I appreciate this program because it’s not just a theory, it actually works!
Again, thanks for the brilliant program and the incredible successes it brings.
Warren Bankston
RE/MAX world long drive Regional Championship
James Thabuteau picks off a pass in the end zone during a game.
“I started the speed training exercises looking for another opportunity to help get myself over the hump of hitting the next gear when it comes to reaching my top end speed.
I am coming off a quad injury and have been unable to lift weights and perform exercises like I have been in the past with my football program.
I tried out the band exercises for 2 weeks and saw an immediate decrease in my 40 yard dash time by .2 seconds, from 4.7 to a 4.5. All within a couple weeks!
Of course I was amazed by such result, especially since I have always been used to intense weight lifting workouts and speed training from my college coaches to increase speed.
But this has proven to be very valuable. Now I can’t wait to try the rest of the program to see what else I can do.”
40 yard dash: Before: 4.7 seconds After: 4.5 seconds
James Thabuteau – Chicago, Il.
Cornerback – Truman State Univ.
Speed Challenge Participant
Allison is closer than ever now to her 800m goal of 2:30.
“I am now a sophomore in college and I was still running the times I ran in my freshman year. No matter what I did or how hard I tried, my times were still the same and they were not getting any better.
I came upon this website and tried the exercise every other day for about 3 weeks. I just had my first outdoor meet of the season, and I ran my personal best in the 800m (2:32), a time I have never ever ran in an open 800.
I am excited now to keep this up and see what the rest of the season brings, and hopefully I can break 2:30 which is a goal of mine that I have had for a very long time.”
800m: Before = 2:37 After = 2:32 seconds
400m: Before = 1:06 seconds After = 1:04 seconds
Allison – Center Valley, PA
Speed Challenge Participant
University of Virginia Record Holder and NFL Pro Billy McMullen
“The Run Faster program is awesome. It takes really about 15 minutes per day. I wasn’t a non-believer but the biggest thing was trying to fit it into my workout schedule and once I committed to the actual 14 day program I saw HUGE RESULTS.
I felt a different burst of speed; I also took a longer stride and quicker turnover. But the biggest thing I want to try it out on the kids I train.
Former NFL Receiver – Eagles 3rd round draft pick
Definitely I would suggest this to anybody trying to get faster, anybody that’s trying to get stronger in the legs and hip flexors…It’s the best program out there.
One guy I was training said to me ‘Man, what have you been doing? I haven’t seen you in two weeks and now you come out here and you’re faster and quicker than you were!’
And we were just going through some drills and I hit one drill and he was like ‘blank-faced’ because he couldn’t believe how fast we got through that drill.
So he’s a believer and he actually got the program the other day so we’re good to go on that.”
Billy McMullen
Former NFL Wide Receiver – Eagles, Vikings, Seahawks
University of Virginia
Greg Weichers catches the eyes of several scout’s in PAC-12 Football
We have tried many different approaches to speed training for my sons. Having played college football myself, I realize the importance of speed and quickness and that it separates the stars from the average players.
We have tried Nike Sparq, parachutes, pulling weighted sleds, plyometrics, leg weights and sprints uphill and downhill, and the only approach we found that actually increased leg turnover (speed and quickness), was the resistance bands and the program through
We have found that using them consistently over the years 3 times per week, their lateral quickness along with their 40 times have gotten measurably faster.
Although my son was already very talented and fast, there are many kids that are at an elite level, and I do believe that these bands have given him an advantage over his competition.
My boy was an All-State Wide Receiver as a Junior, and is currently one of the top Wide Receiver’s in the West and receiving recruiting attention from many of the top Pac-12 programs along with many great programs throughout the country.
Although he was already talented and fast, I know the AthleticQuickness training has helped tremendously.
Thank you. We’re total believers in your system.
Greg Weichers – South Jordan, UT
NFL Pro Bowl Star
Anthony Chesson cruising in the 200m.
Anthony Chesson of Midlothian, Virginia was already very fast. In fact he started the 2006 year ranked 2nd in his state in the 200 meters.
He then included the speed training strategy of using isometrics with resistance bands as taught by the RUN FASTER training program into his workout. Anthony reported, “It helped me take a second off of my 100m and 200m times.”
His personal best time in the 200m had been 22.14 seconds. Shortly after starting the RUN FASTER training program, his best time dropped to 21.44, a full 0.7 seconds off his previous best time.
Anthony then took 1st place in the Southern Track Classic with a time of 21.36, setting a new meet record that was previously held by an NFL Pro Bowl star.
Dylan easily beats his defender and now has his sight on the goal.
40 yard dash: Before: 5.8 seconds After: 5.4 seconds
200m dash: Before: 24.8 seconds After: 24.1 seconds
Story: The Run Faster program is incredible! After just 14 days i have seen huge results as i feel more athletic, explosive and quick as i play soccer.
This increase in speed allows me to make goal scoring situations a lot more frequently.
It has helped my game hugely and i strongly recommend the program to any soccer player!
Allan Robinson out in front of his 55m heat.
“IMPOSSIBLE is POSSIBLE”, That’s my Mantra for this 2012 track Season, just wanted to say thanks to you and your Run Faster program, it’ll happen. I’m glad to say, I did a 4 week workout with the Bands and I ran a 7:83 sec. 55m indoor for my age group 55-59 masters, and I’m now ranked #2 nationally for the 55m indoor. Before that I ran 8:03 sec.
I’ve submitted my time to the U.S.A.T.F. to receive my Masters all American certificate and sew on patch. Thanks for everything.
My leg turn over has come a long way since I started using your program and was the key to my success. My start was not the best but I had the leg speed to come from behind, again thanks a million.
Plus by looking at your videos explaining the swing, push and pull phases of running I was able to improve my mechanics of running.
I have my son and daughter using your program, I’m hoping that one day you’ll be able to see them in the olympics. My son is the fastest freshman in N.Y. State for 2011. In his event he won the 600m in 1:29sec against seniors.
My daughter looks like Alyson Felix , check out her race in this video where she wins the 200m.”
Indebted to you ALWAYS– Allan Robinson- 58yrs.- 2nd. Wind Track Club – N.Y.
My Daughter’s 1st 200M in a year, She’s Back!!!!!
And training with the Run Faster Program.
Allan Robinson – NY
U.S.A Level-1 Certified Track and Field Coach
N.Y. State certified Track and Field Coach
Assistant Coach – 2nd. Wind Track Club
Volunteer Assistant Coach – Brentwood High School
Active Competing Masters Athlete – 2nd. Wind Track Club.
10 year old soccer player has a bright future.
“I purchased the bands and isometric program for my 10 year old son. After only two weeks of doing the exercises on his off soccer practice nights, I noticed a difference in his running.
He is actually taking off when he runs. The exercises are developing his muscles for the take off sprint motion. He is taking longer strides and is getting to the ball quicker.
He noticed it and now is excited to do the exercises even more. To a child who couldn’t sprint before and was always a step behind, his results are amazing. Follow the instructions and it will work. I am truly amazed.
He was in a very expensive speed school and it was not helping him at all because it was not targeting the right reason he was having issues. He hated going to it. He loves this program!”
Kim E. – Reading, PA
V. Cox and her coaches are thrilled with her new speed.
“My daughter was a natural athlete and was a top performer during middle school events. Once she reached high school, she plateaued at about 17.4 in the 100m hurdles.
She has very strong legs overall, and she was good at taking my misguided advice by conducting regular strength training exercises for her legs. Obviously, her legs grew stronger, but there was no improvement in speed.
She ended up with a long but slow and heavy stride. I came across your website as I was researching techniques to improve quickness. My daughter (V. Cox) enthusiastically began to use the bands, and the results speak for themselves.
Her coaches have been absolutely thrilled with the breakthrough in speed. While her original goal was to break the 17 second barrier, she is now within range of 16 seconds.
My 8th grade daughter, who also runs track, was unenthusiastic about trying these isometric exercises. After witnessing the dramatic results with her older sister, she has begun the exercise routine herself.”
C. Cox – Colorado Springs, CO
Curtis Mitchell, U.S.A. 200m
World Championships Bronze
2013 World Championships Moscow – 200m Bronze Medal
State of Tennessee
David Jones – Awarded best football player in Tennessee
David Jones has been exploding past opponents throughout High School and College, now ready for the Pro’s.
“I purchased this program 8 years ago & my investment paid off tremendously!
I even commented on this page my 9th grade year when I started off running a 4.9 (D.J. South Pittsburgh). I ended my high school career at a 4.5.
I went on to gain several D1 scholarships & went on to play 4 years at D1 college (MTSU).
I am currently a personal trainer & training for my pro day in March and I consider this program my “secret weapon”.
I currently run a 4.36 40 yard dash paired with a 4.1 shuttle 38 inch vertical & 6.7 L-Drill.
I just want to commend Dr. Larry Van Such being ahead of his time! I recommend this program to any & every athlete that is looking to gain that ‘competitive edge’.
I would love to share my success story! Most college strength & conditioning coaches don’t even know how effective this program is!
Thank you so much for everything Dr. Van Such, this program has been the backbone to many of my achievements. My senior year of high school I was awarded “Mr. football” labeling me as the best player in the state of Tennessee.”
David Jones – South Pittsburgh, TN
Voted Best High School Football Player in the State of Tennessee
Josh W. of California now runs a sub 12 second 100m.
Hi, all during my freshman year of track I was trying to get my 100m below 12 seconds. I worked my butt off 5 days a week but I never got there.
Now, all of a sudden I find and WOW! My time dropped below 12 seconds in just 2 WEEKS!
During track I did weight training and plyometrics, but none of those seemed to work. This program is super legitimate, and I cannot wait to get the whole thing. Anyone who is reading this should try this program IMMEDIATELY. Don’t do anything else.
37 second audio
Josh W. – CA
Speed Challenge Participant
Portugal soccer player, Tiago, now knows the secret to running faster.
“I play soccer regularly and I always wanted to improve my speed in the game. I tried the exercise and I noticed a huge difference in just one week of doing this isometric exercise.
The results of my times amazed me! I never expected to improve in such short amount of time! This great exercise program increased my speed and my opponents are having a hard time in keeping up with me! My performance now is truly impressive!
I recommend this incredible program to everyone who wants to increase their speed. I can’t thank you enough”
100m dash: Before: 12.8 seconds After: 11.1 seconds
40 yard dash: Before: 5.7 seconds After: 5.2 seconds
Tiago – Carnaxide Portugal
Speed Challenge Participant
My journey was like any young high school athletes back in the 1980’s. I was searching and reading as much as we could on how to train fast twitch muscle or how to get faster.
I couldn’t find anything so I started to call Up the Division 1 track coaches and asking them what I could do? Their really wasn’t enough science behind the training like their is today.
But one track coach told me to read this special article on the Russian Track Team and that changed my life forever.
I ran up hills, down hills, ran the beach in work boots etc. I played football and lacrosse for East Islip High school the home of Boomer Esiason NFL Quarterback.
Well 30 years later with all the science backing these different programs and different methods of training I found Dr Van Such website and this has changed my training forever.
The only way to get faster in a shorter time is with the band training that I am promoting.
I started my speed training company with 1 kid, my son Matthew, and the rest is history. Today I have over 40-50 kids who seek out my knowledge on speed and agility training.
I tell every parent about the band training and have them purchase the program and each of my students shakes my hand and I tell them I promise to train you and you promise to follow the band training.
The fastest way my students become faster is doing the isometric band training that Dr Van Such has brought to our attention. I can’t thank you guys enough. What’s great about him is he has answered every question I had personally asked, and has help me out in learning how to build fast twitch muscle. I wish I had this product years ago.
Thank You Dr Van Such and Staff.
Patrick McIntee
Mcintee Training Academy
“Train Fast Train Smart”
Certified Speed & Agility Trainer
“I just recently purchased a complete series of bands ranging from red to gold. I’m using them with the Jump Higher program and I’m having excellent results. I’ve added 5 inches to my standing vertical jump.”
Terrill W. – Laurel, MD
“Amazing, never thought it would work that well. Dealing with a hamstring injury before, I never thought it would work like that!”
100m dash: Before: 13.6 seconds After: 13.3 seconds
40 yard dash: Before: 5.2 seconds After: 5.0 seconds
Sebastian N. – Germany
Speed Challenge Participant
“I am absolutely blown away by how good this has been.”
I play football (soccer) and I’m a central midfielder, but I’ve always been a bit slower than everyone else on my team. I’m very talented on the ball, but my speed was holding me back. I’ve done the speed training for 2 weeks, and my 40 yard time has gone from 5.83 to 5.28, and my 100m time has gone from 13.3 to 12.2! I am absolutely blown away by how good this has been. And now, my team can rely on me even more than usual. I can’t wait to continue the program to see how fast I can get! Thanks so much.
100m dash: Before: 13.3 seconds After: 12.2 seconds
40 yard dash: Before: 5.83 seconds After: 5.28 seconds
Carl B. – England
Speed Training Challenge Participant
Dennis Hopson, 3rd overall pick in the 1987 draft.
Former NBA star (Nets, Kings, Bulls), scout for 76’ers, now assistant college coach encourages his basketball players to use Run Faster program.
“I encourage all of my basketball players to use the Run Faster training program. I have seen first-hand the dramatic effects it has on my players speed. We didn’t have this in the NBA when I played. Thanks Dr. Van Such”.
Dennis Hopson
Former NBA player, scout for the Philadelphia 76ers,
Leading Scorer and Ohio State All American, and
Former assistant coach at Northwood University and Bowling Green State University.
James Wildish, member of National Sports Persons Program, during 400m training.
“I’ve been training for 6 years, and my times were hardly coming down to where I would expect for the training I’ve been putting in.
I knew I had put in all the hard track work and weights etc., but something was missing.
I went online and did some research on speed training and came to athletic quickness. I read what it was all about and ordered the program.
The speed training program has enabled me to get from nowhere to 8th in the UK over my event in my age group. With this, I’ve been able to get in to the National Sports Persons program, all thanks to athletic quickness.
Later that year I won a number of National & Southern League races and won the Kent Indoor 400m title. Ive also been on the Kent 4x400m relay team and won a number of championship medals. Thanks Athletic Quickness”.
James Wildish – UK
Sebastian K. beats personal best in strong head wind.
“Hi, I heard about this program shortly before I had my last event of the season. I wasn’t planning on competing at that event, but was invited on short notice. So I was pretty out of shape and had not competed at a track meet for more than 6 weeks.
Actually I was already doing heavy lifting to get ready for next season. But when the invitation came, I couldn’t resist to go out and compete. I felt not so strong during the warm-up, and wasn’t expecting all that much after just 10 days of preparation to get in shape.
The head wind was also pretty significant and my previous Personal Best was with a strong wind in my back. So I was pretty surprised that I ran a Personal Best.
And I think it was mostly because I did 4 sessions with the resistant band in those 10 days. So doing just 4 sessions of only one exercise gives great results. So I can only imagine what my Personal Best will be next year after doing the complete program.”
100m dash: Personal Best Before: 11.29 (with strong wind at my back
100m dash: Personal Best After: 11.26 (into a strong head wind)
Sebastiaan K. – Netherlands
Wide Receiver Neil Knuth now gets by cornerbacks with ease.
“I am not writing for the purpose of asking a question, but rather to thank you greatly for the information on this website and for the quality of your product. As you well know, THIS WORKS!!!
I was skeptical at first, as there are so many people on the internet who claim to know the correct way to improve speed through the training of fast-twitch muscles.
I am a 33 year old semi-pro football player in Japan, who started playing again 3 years ago after a 10 year absence from the game. Needless to say, after going that long without training my body, and legs especially were very out of shape.
I started practice, and I was slower than nearly everyone on my team, and being someone who wanted to play wide receiver that was a huge problem. I trained as hard as a could to improve, but as stated on your website, I was unknowingly doing all the “slow-twitch” training that I thought was going to make me faster.
Well, after trying your system for a few weeks I started to feel much quicker off the line, and I was easily beating cornerbacks who were pressing me man to man.
Then, I did something ridiculous. I stopped using the bands. I thought it was all the hard weight training that was giving me all that new found speed, and hey, I had only been working with the bands for 3 weeks. I thought there was no way it would work THAT quickly.
Guess what, I got slower and had trouble with quickness again. After two months of trying to figure out what the problem was, I realized that it must have been connected to the band training, and after only ONE WEEK of using the bands again I was back to my previous lightning quick self.
I am a true believer in this system, and it is a shame that most sports trainers are not preaching it as well. There must be thousands upon thousands of athletes who could benefit immediately from this golden information.
Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. I can’t wait to see how much more I will improve as I continue to train the CORRECT way for speed. Last week during wind sprints after practice, I was blowing everyone away. Including guys 10 years or more younger. THIS SYSTEM ROCKS.”
Neil Knuth – Tokyo, Japan
Pole vaulter Dominique now clears 4.75m with harder poles.
“Hi, my name is Dominique and I am a 24-years old decathlete from Germany.
Due to some problems that I had with my backbone during winter I decided to stop training for 6 weeks.
In this period, I was determined to try your program after I started again with my training, because I didn‘t want to put too much weight onto my back and to burden my spine.
So I tried your program as you described it, and my speed came back – stronger than I expected. My best time on flying 30m was 3.05 seconds from two years ago; and, now after six weeks without training, I run 3.02 seconds.
I also got better in pole vault because of running and rolling up faster. I am able to jump with harder poles. Now I jump 4.75 m, and the whole winter I couldn’t jump higher than 4.40 m. It’s amazing.”
Dominique E. – Germany
55 year old Randy Harris is now close to All American Status.
“Wow, I can’t believe it. I started the course 2 weeks ago, and have dropped my 60 meter time from 9.37 to 8.68! Being 55 years old I did not think this kind of progress was possible.
At this point I am less than 2 tenths of a second from All American status for the 55 year old age group.
The National Masters in Boston next spring is my goal, and I think that I can go there and make a respectable showing against the best 55 year olds in the land. This is something that I would have never thought possible a couple of weeks ago.
I also play in a Senior hardball league, so I can’t wait to try your bat speed program. You can use me as a reference anytime.”
Randy Harris – Chicago
Speed Challenge Participant
Pete G. dives for extra yardage after catching a pass.
“I was really skeptical at first so I’m glad I tried the Run Faster program, and I can’t believe how much it worked!
Not only did all my times in track go down but also my 40 yard dash time in football which is big because that’s my main sport and I’m a receiver.
I have always been the fastest on the team but now people are not going to know what hit them. They could barely keep up with me last year, now I’m just going to blow right by them. I can kick the extra gear on the long pass and just out run everyone now.
I thank you guys for everything and I can’t wait to see how much faster I can get.”
Now people are not going to know what hit them.
Pete G. – NY
Olympic Hopeful Sally Butts does it all in the 800m, 400m, 200m and 100m.
“I am currently training for long and short sprinting, also the javelin throw in hopes of making the Olympic Trials.
I started your first hip flexor technique with a resistance band and I am seeing and feeling the results already. I am 45 years old and have been training for 29 years straight. Blessed genetically with incredible speed already I am stronger and faster than in my 20’s. … and find your discoveries amazing, thank you very much for sharing it to the world.
I plan to incorporate the Run Faster Isometric Band Training to my upper and lower body 3x a week for 3 months, combined with 2x a week strength weight training. … This training program is specifically designed for me to compete in long and short sprints, 800m down to 100m, along with the javelin throw.
My goal is to compete in an open sanctioned USATF meet spring of 2011, in hopes of making the USA Olympic Track & Field Trials and or professionally internationally. So I am very excited to apply this amazing neuromuscular isometric band training to my athletic career….
Thank you again Athletic Quickness for sharing your success and research with every serious athlete, the results I am getting are the icing on the cake, for taking me to my peak performance.”
Sally Butts – Idaho
Track and Football!
Cody Gammon has already dropped .12 seconds in the 40 yard dash.
“Thank you guys so much! No one in my family has been able to go to college. But with this program the University of Florida is now recruiting me for track and football! You guys have helped make my BIGGEST dream come true!! Thank you so much!!!
I have tried 100’s of dollars worth of speed training! At the most I have gained .01-.05 to my forty! But this is amazing! I feel as if due to this program I will be the fastest and best football player in the state! I have already gained .12 on my forty and .1 on my pro shuttle drill thank you so much for all this program has done for me!!
I believe by the time i complete this and go through college i will be one of the fastest players ever. i think i will be able to run in the 4.2 forty range. when i do these exercises i can feel how weak those muscles are. that is what keeps me thinking i will get maximum results from your program thank you so much!!
I ran a 4.56 and after the first night of exercises I ran a 4.46! I will keep you posted!! Thank you so much looking to break 4.4
UPDATE: We ran 40’s today and the coaches and players were “THRILLED”. I ran a 4.41 being timed by lasers! That is the fastest anyone has ever run at my school. I had a pro shuttle time of 3.9 and 3 cone drill time was 7 flat! Thank you so much. I am starting to use both bands today because one is too easy now.
Cody Gammon – Sevierville, Tennessee
I played D1 soccer in the USA and initially experimented with Dr. Larry Van Such’s methods as a part of my overall training regime. I found them to be very effective and Increased my speed over short and long distances. I was amazed by the results, almost thought they were in my head. This was completely different than we were being taught by our Strength and Conditioning coaches at school.
After using the Run Faster program I ended up winning two conference championships for my university, Winthrop University, and was an integral part of the team. I’ve played in Ireland and NPSL in the USA. I still currently play and will stay active for the next decade at a high level partly because of these methods for increasing and maintaining speed as one gets older.
Dr. Larry explained in detail over the phone to me, how and why his methods work, a real testament to the efforts he’s put in to research over the past number of years.
I leveled up after understanding where I needed to focus my attention on training.
I’d like to say thank you again for passing on your knowledge, thinking outside the box and running with your gut. I think with your help I could go very far in soccer for the next few years and make a quantum leap.
Tomás, Wexford, Ireland.
“Dr. Van Such,
Your advice helped a great deal and I feel like I have the workout routine down since I usually play golf on weekends. I’ve gained 15 – 20 yds. on my golf drives over the last year. I know I’m more flexible as well but that alone didn’t do it.
And as good as that is at 58 yrs. old, I’m more grateful for other benefits. I had an acromioplasty on my left shoulder 2 years ago. Last November, I had made another appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to do it again. The pain was worse than before the first surgery. Fortunately, the appointment was not until January and just before the appointment I decided to postpone. Now, 6 months later, the pain is gone and has been for a while.
The only reason I have for that is the AthleticQuickness Training. In addition to specifically training the fast twitch fibers, it obviously strengthened the muscles in my entire shoulder and prevented another surgery.
You can be sure I will continue with the AthleticQuickness Training as part of my regular fitness regime.
Thanks again,”
G. Buban – IL
up to the Hype…
and I’ve tried a lot of them. I was wary of the claims at first and even after trying the exercises the first time I wasn’t sure but it didn’t take long to find out how effective your program is.
My progress is mind boggling. I am 41 years old and have had several knee operations on both knees during the past 20 years or so. I like to run sprints to stay in shape and my best time, prior to the program, was 9.91 for 70 yds. Only 5 days after starting the program I ran 70 in 9.12 with a lot left (I think!).
My legs haven’t felt like this since high school! I have hung around the Powerlifting world for many years and have seen a whole lot of ‘Bigger, faster’ programs that haven’t done a thing. Your work is really something new and good.”
B. Martin – Roberts, Idaho
in my Sports
“I started these at the end of football season and the beginning of basketball season. I was already the fastest on my team, but this blew my teammates away!
In one game, I was under the boards and fell down, the other team got the ball and went for a fast break. I GOT UP, SPRINTED DOWN AND DEFENDED THE ENTIRE TEAM BY MYSELF WHILE GIVING THE REST OF MY TEAM TIME TO CATCH UP! I can’t thank you guys enough! can’t wait till football!
I want every athlete to know how much they can improve! I thought I was fast before I started using this stuff, but I can’t believe how much faster I’ve gotten!”
Christian L. – Florida
“Hi, This is a testimonial of success and i just wanted to say thank you for this product. I play junior varsity free safety and I went through a 6 week conditioning program that cost me a lot of money and the results on my forty time only droped .08.
Since I purchased this product my speed has increased phenomenally in the past seven days. I haven’t even gone through the first 14 days and my pro shuttle speed went from 4.60 to 4.32.
J.V. – Texas
“I am very competitive sprinter on my school’s track and field team. My freshman year I was on a 400 relay team that was about 1.3 seconds away from advancing to state at our divison II sectional meet. After the last season I struggled all summer trying to find a program that would make me faster, when I stumbled upon your website.
Convinced, I ordered your “Run Faster” booklet and started doing the exercises. By our first track meet this year my relay team started breaking times we didn’t set until almost the end of the season last year. At our conference meet my relay team took 1st place, being the first conference champions in our school in that particular relay in over a decade.
Also, in individual events, I just started beating out our last years MVP sprinter in the 100 m dash.
Your program has done so much for me and my 400 relay team. I would recommend any sprinter to practice your exercises.”
W. Olson – Kenosha, Wisconsin
Dino W. is off and running in the 100m.
“Hey all I can’t believe this program worked so well. At first I was very hesitant but I went for it and did it work.
Thank you so much for this program, you’ve made me very grateful.”
Dino W. – Guildford, Australia
Frankie D., Maine State High School Player of the year for Soccer, knows speed.
“Hi I have used your product for the past few years on and off for track and soccer season. I use the “Kick Karther and Run Faster” book.
I swear by your training methods and just wanted to say thank you for putting these training programs out there! I want to let you know I will continue to live by your training methods!”
Frankie D. – Bethel, Maine
State High School Soccer Player of the year
United States Achievement Academy National Soccer Award
Conference record holder for the 200m
As a sophomore broke school’s 100m, 200m, and triple jump records
“Hi. I recently purchased the Run Faster Program and may I say that it worked!
I never doubted you from the beginning. A month ago, I ran 15.03 in the 100m dash and a 6.01 in the 40 yard dash. I was slow. I was a good long distance runner, but never a sprinter.
After a month on your program I dropped my 100m dash time to 14.3! That is .73 seconds faster! I couldn’t believe this! In the 40 yard dash I dropped to a 5.72! That is .29 seconds faster.
Before the program my legs felt so tense and I couldn’t even feel them. After a month on the program, my legs feel loose and fresh. Thank you so much for your product. I will keep you updated in my results.
Here is my latest update: Hi. I just wanted to keep you updated on my progress from last time. After 7 more days, I ran the 100 meter in 13.37! I started off the whole program with a 15.03. This is crazy! My 40 yard dash time went from a 6.01 to a 5.35! With this program anything is possible.”
Josh G.
Ft. Worth, TX
I have been playing fast-pitch softball since I was 8. I am 6’1″ tall and have always struggled to be fast and quick in my movements. I am now 17 and full into the recruiting process to play softball in college and doing really well. A few of the coaches commented that I needed to be faster and more athletic and quicker.
I participated in a combine and ran the Home to 1st (60′) in 3.0 seconds. After just 2 weeks of your course I went to another combine and ran the Home to 1st (60′) in 2.78 seconds. Also my standing long jump increased from 70″ to 90″.
I had been practicing sprints, doing latter drills, bleachers, and any other of the more common drills that are used with no results. I still continue to hit the weight room, and do running drills but this program made all the difference.
It is easy and doesn’t take a lot of time. Just a few minutes every evening. I am going to another combine in a few weeks and I am looking forward to being even faster then last time.
Everything you said the program would do is correct. After the first couple days I noticed that light, springy feeling when I started running and working out. I am impressed and will continue to use this program and I am looking into getting the program for softball to increase my bat speed.
Thanks for a great program that WORKS!!!!! If feel like I should recommend this to my friends, but don’t want to give away my secret.
Lauren Ainsley
“My son Sean Rosalez ordered your product and I will say at first I thought it was just some gimmick that couldn’t and wouldn’t help his speed.
But I can and will say I was wrong it’s the best product he has worked with in building speed.
He runs for Davison High School and has the fastest time in the county for 200 meters (22.00) 11th grade. We know he will be blasting low 21. In the 200 this year his practice proves it.
And for the parents and coaches that want to know what it does I can tell them it gives Sean great leg speed. Its just so fast, he has extreme leg speed. Don’t get me wrong, he had fast legs before but not like this…Sean now can try to take the 2008 Michigan State Title in either 200/or 400.
Your product works great and will take Sean to another level and I know he will go 21 in the 200. I hope a college will find him soon.
This product will help. Thank you very much.
Coach Rosalez
Max Speed Track Club
Davison, Michigan
“I just wanted to say that your program is INCREDIBLE!!! My track times have majorly improved this season! Last year I ran 57’s in the 400m, and this season in district I qualified with an insane 52.65!!
My 800m also dropped 18 seconds – from 2:19 during indoor to a 2:01 on a regional-qualifying 4×800 relay. Everyone on my team is amazed at my rapid improvement. Your program has made a HUGE difference in my track career! Anyone who runs track HAS to order this program!
Here are all of my improved times:
200m: 28’s to 24.76
400m: 57’s to 52.54 (One of our team’s fastest 400m now)
500m: 1:19 to 1:14
800m: 2:20+ to a lightning fast 2:01!! (also one of our team’s fastest 800m now)
The 800m is especially awesome….I ran around 2:20’s indoor but during outdoor I dropped 19 seconds in 4 races: 2:09, 2:05, 2:04, and finally 2:01!!
Daniel S. – Burke, VA
Emanuel E. accepts speed challenge and gets quicker.
Hi my name is Emmanuel. I’m a freshman I play football and run track. And I just want to thank you for this program. Speed is something that I was gifted with but I was never satisfied with my speed.
I’ve been doing all kinds of speed training in the past but nothing like this. I took the 2 week challenge and after the 2 weeks i’ve seen a dramatic increase in my 40 and 100m. thank you very much. Keep doing what you’re doing. God bless you.
40 yard dash: Before: 4.9 After: 4.61
100m dash: Before: 11.8 After: 11.6
Emmanuel E. – Maple Grove, MN
Speed Challenge Participant
Jordan H. sees big improvement in 40 and 100 times.
Well I was in disbelief that this program would work. It was really easy to do the workout. At first I was like ha this resistance band is gonna help me get fast yeah right.
Then when I did the workout I was like whoa, never felt this muscle before. As you can see I am now much faster in the 40 and 100. I greatly recommend this product to athletes everywhere!
40 yard dash: Before: 5.3 After: 4.8
100m dash: Before: 13.8 After: 12.4
Jordan H. – Ontario Speed Challenge Participant
“The Drive Longer training program is FANTASTIC! My average clubhead speed before the program was 84 mph. Since I am 62 years old I thought it would take a long time to show improvement so I was patient. After 4 weeks my clubhead speed was 87 and stayed there through week 6.
Near the end of week 7 I went to the range and averaged for 30 drives a clubhead speed of 92.8 mph! It was no fluke. Two days later over 30 drives the average was 93.0. My first drive that latest day was 106 mph. I thought something must be wrong with the radar. I had speeds between 85 and 97 for the next 17 shots and then had a 108 mph swing. Three more from 83 to 91 and then a 115! Six more from 87 to 94 and then I couldn’t believe it, my 30th and last drive of the day was 126 mph!!
That swing was like no other I have experienced. It was like the clubhead was rocketing around on its own. The feeling of the clubhead flying through the air was the only sensation I had anywhere in my body.
I’ve only played a couple of rounds since my clubhead speed started picking up. My friends aren’t asking any questions yet, but I can see they are wondering what to say. Thanks for a great program.
… I played a round in an outing today. We played our own balls. Being over 60 I could have played from the whites under the tournament rules. At the first tee I told the others in the foursome I would play from the blues like everyone else just to avoid the inconvenience of using two tee boxes.
They are in their thirties and early forties. I outdrove all of them! I think it rattled the big guy who is probably used to being the longest in his group. He became more wild off the tee as the day progressed.”
G. R. – Virginia
Daughter Works!!!”
Story: As a freshman she made the varsity track team and was holding her own and placing but not winning any meets but winning her heats though she only ran the 200, 800 relay, and 400 relay. She was struggling trying to find more speed and stamina.
She was about 5 or 6 meets in when I ordered the speed and quickness program from you.
She was running the 200 meters in about 28.1 to 28.4. Good but not great. 25’s is what we are shooting for.
I went ahead and started her on the program 1 week before district and her being in good shape I doubled the program making her do the program the way it said in the book to break her in and then I made her do all 5 exercises 4 days and then rest one day before the meet.
Her time drop into the mid 27’s!!!!!!
We stayed on the program the whole next week to get ready for a regional qualifier’s track meet where she ran the 400, 800, and mile relays, the mile she had not ran all year.
Even thought her team struggled, her split in the 800 relay (200 meters) was 26.5!!!!!
Awesome!!!!! Her split in the 100 was in the low 12 range!!
Great progress for such a short time!!!!
She ran her leg on the mile in 66 seconds – not bad for her first time this year.
J. Hooten – Texas
Jonathan Cook sets PB in the 40 yard dash, 100m and long jump.
“Recently I’ve been trying to increase my speed for school track and field… so i did the exercise and after 2 weeks i found my 40 yard time had gone from 5.62 to 5.35 and my 100m time had gone from 14.4 to 13.45.
Also a week through this program and I beat my schools long jump record by 12 inches. I can’t thank you so much… ”
Jonathon Cook – England
Speed Challenge Participant
Amazing Transformation”
“In the past I have been lifting weights and though ‘looked’ stronger, in actual fact I struggled with my golf swing and distance.
Though I did finish 3rd in the long ball driving championships in Canada (in my age group) I felt I had not reached my potential. I continued to bulk lift and get stronger but realized my distance was not improving. I had to look for something else.
I read about your isometrics program and I have been religiously using your DRIVE LONGER training guide daily, and know first-hand that I am beginning to feel well…different. I went to our golf dome a couple of days ago, warmed up, had a Doppler radar velocity sensor that measures the swing speed of the club head and distance.
To my amazement, Dr. VanSuch, my club head speed was clocked at 124. Last year my maximum speed was 110-113. Distance rated last year was 328-335. Distance this year 348-355 yards.
What an amazing transformation. I am really looking forward to hitting the tees once the ranges open.
My goal is to make it to the World’s Long Ball Finals in Las Vegas. I know if I get there, I’ll be one of the favorites to win it (In my age group, Super Seniors).
So Dr. VanSuch, I will continue doing what I do with your program and when others ask me how I improved I will certainly promote your DRIVE LONGER program.
Thanks again.”
Gary (baby boomer) Nickerson
[Long Ball Driving Professional]
“I’ve been wanting to become a running back for my football team and had trouble increasing my speed. I did many strength exercises like leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls. I did get results in muscle size, but not that increase of speed.
So, I went to youtube and watched the Speed Challenge video and did the thigh flexor exercise and I found quick results in my 40 yard dash! This increase in speed in so little time amazed me!”
40 yard dash: Before: 5.27 After: 4.90
10m dash: Before: 1.43 After: 1.21
Chris A. – Atco
NJ Speed Challenge Participant
“My name is Adam Thomas and I go to Eagle’s View Academy in Jacksonville, FL.
I am a senior that has graduated and I am on my way to playing college football this upcoming season for Methodist University.
I have started to use your Speed Training,from June 1 to June 15, which has drastically dropped my 40 yard dash time from a 4.56 to a “MOVING” 4.41.
I thank you, and you have blessed me and prepared me better for the next level.”
40 yard dash: Before: 4.56 After: 4.41
Adam Thomas – Jacksonville, FL
Speed Challenge Participant
Friend introduces Adrian H. to…results are impressive.
“My friend introduced the 2 week speed challenge to me. And like most people who are going to read this they won’t believe how fast it makes you.
I thought the idea of 3 minutes a day wouldn’t give great results, though when I was timed by my coach 2 weeks later I ran .18 seconds faster.
Every hundredth of a second counts. Not only did my 40 yard sprint increase but I noticed my agility increased a lot too.
Thank you for the great 2 week speed challenge. Can’t wait to do the rest of the workouts.”
40 yard dash: Before: 4.9 seconds. After: 4.72 seconds.
Adrian H. – Massachusetts
Speed Challenge Participant
“Thanks a lot sir because of your speed training program I have decided to go back to my track team for next year in high school because me and my friends decided to go out in the field and test your program.
At the beginning i was very disappointed with my time i felt so slow but then after the two weeks of your challenge my time in the 40 yard dash amazingly went down from a 6.17 to a 5.14. I am now the second fastest out of my friends.”
40 yard dash: Before: 6.17 After: 5.14
100m dash: Before: 14.55 After: 11.26
Mohammed – Windsor, Ontario
Speed Challenge Participant
Magnus L. now wants to train rest of his body with isometrics and bands.
Hey, First of all I wanna say thanks. I´m an elite soccer player, 20 years old who has worked with the soccer program for a year, what an amazing result.
Today after I finished my exercise I looked back just to refresh my memory of isometric training, how it works and so on, and realized I want the isometric training for my upper body also
Magnus L. – Malmo, Sweden
Magan gets in position while chasing down the ball during a game.
I have tried the 2 week challenge which I was skeptical about but i gave it a go. I used to do squats and leg curls to gain speed but it really just made my hamstring bigger. I play soccer so speed is a important thing.
40 yard dash: Before: 5.78 After: 5.07
This is a huge improvement. Thank you very much Mr. Larry Van Such. I will always use these methods off season and in season.
Magan – Norway
Speed Challenge Participant
Super Athlete Matt B.
I was the fastest on my soccer team. Therefore, I was running around the defense. I’d get the ball passed up to me and I’d have to knock it on and run around the defense. However, I found it hard to retrieve the ball at the other end.
Thanks to your program I am able to get the ball at the other side of the man and shoot great goals. Thank you AthleticQuickness for helping me become the runner I am today
Matt B. – Zurich, Switzerland
“I recently ordered your Baseball Speed Training program. I’ve done the basic training and I am now on a maintenance schedule.
THIS STUFF WORKS! I play competitive softball, usually hit leadoff and my position is pitcher. I normally hit singles, doubles, and so far since completing the training I am hitting DOUBLES and TRIPLES with regularity! In fact, my only concern is holding back on my quicker batspeed (the manual discussed making this adjustment).
Excellent product! I would definitely recommend this program and re-order from your other products. Thanks!
P.S.: I also play pick-up basketball on the side. Here’s an unexpected benefit…my shot accuracy has also gone up (!!). But I will still get your basketball program in due course.”
V. Brown – Toronto, Canada
“Program cannot even be described in words. I would recommend this to anyone.”
This program cannot even be described in words, how amazing the results are and how much it has changed my life in almost every way!!!
In just one thigh flexor exercise and it improved my 40 time 3 TENTHS OF A SECOND!!! AND KNOCKED OFF 4 TENTHS OF A SECOND in my 100 yard dash!!!!
This program is INCREDIBLE and I would recommend this to anyone who has thought of getting faster for just a split second!!
I can’t wait until next football season to show off my new speed! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
Alex – Naperville, Il
Speed Challenge Participant
“I have what I consider wonderful success with the bands. Here’s my story.
Just for the record I played defensive end at a major college and at my peak I was running consistent 4.7 40’s with some in the high 4.6 range at 257 lbs. So I have had some athletic ability and am coachable.
At 52 I started doing triathlons on a lark…someone challenged me and of course I responded! I was a horrible 208 out 220 male finishers. But I still got hooked and 10 more tri’s over a 2 year period I had steadily gotten faster. My weakness was the run off the bike on tired legs.
In the off season I have been doing half marathons and road races I found that I could keep a pace forever but really didn’t have that high end kick to finish. Aerobically I felt tired but not totally spent!
I went on the internet came across your website and it made sense to me. So I followed your program for 5.5 weeks then ran a personal record for a half marathon. I was estatic but thought it was due to my track work and I really didn’t try to kick it at the end.
I had my first triathlon 2 weeks later and wanted to still be fresh! Another 1.5 weeks of band work then taper for the tri. My usual tri results of last season were top 25% swim – 10% bike – bottom 20% run… with overall being a little over 55% for my age group and overall tri.
This time it was different on the run. I was 1 minute and 16 seconds faster per mile than my best time last season ( my times always have gone down over the 5 month season). So needless to say I was pumped!
My first podium finish in my age group – 1st and top third overall!!!! Look I am still a big guy 6′ 3″ and 220 lbs . I was 35 lbs heavier than anyone else who won a medal and was almost the oldest!!!!
But this was the first time I felt I could kick … the quarter was extremely fast for me!!! Thanks for listening!”
Alan P.
John hopes to be able to walk on to his college football team.
“I ran a 4.6 forty yard dash as a junior in high school. Now after two years in college I’m running a high 4.8 so I am looking to get back to my former speed so that I can possibly walk on a football team.
After two weeks i am seeing my time drop and now I think I can get it all the way back down to maybe a 4.5. Thanks for offering the Run Faster Program. I think it is really going to work for me.”
40 yard dash: Before: 4.88 After: 4.79
John – Odenville, AL
Speed Challenge Participant
“It felt great, I feel so much faster”
“I was really doubtful that this program would work, but when I finally tried it, it felt great. I feel so much faster. I’ve gone from an 11.9 to an 11.5 and can’t wait to get the whole package and see how much faster I get.”
100m dash: Before: 11.9 After: 11.5
David B. – Elk Grove Village, IL
Speed Challenge Participant
“I received the run faster training guide and bands for Christmas 2011. At first I was a little skeptical, but in a week I dropped .2 seconds off of my forty.
I still didn’t believe yet. After doing this training for two months, I went from running an embarrassing 5.65 to a 4.84.
I couldn’t believe it! I have now also purchased the jump higher training guide, to help me in both basketball, football, and track. I play point/shooting guard in basketball, and I play wide receiver in football so speed, quickness, agilty, and vertical are all important in those three sports.
I back this product 100%. I’ve tried lifting, jumping rope, and doing cone and ladder drills to get faster, but I did NOT gain much speed.
I found this speed training program while looking online for ways to get faster with a friend who has also gotten a lot faster, as well.
I am now one of the fastest players on my team and continuing to get faster. I can make moves on the basketball court that I couldn’t before and I’m about two weeks of training away from grabbing the rim. VERY exciting for me!
I would like to thank you for coming up with these training techniques and allowing to unlock my full athletic potential.”
Jal P., Salt Lake City, Ut
Speed Challenge Participant
AthleticQuickness Exercises
“My son Nick is a sophomore in High School in Parker, CO. He is playing football and basketball on the school teams.
He will be on the Varsity Football team next year as a receiver and they have year round weight training and recently was testing his speed. He was tested at school in the 40 at 5.06 and I wanted to get him on your program, although I was skeptical.
You provided the thigh flexor exercise instructions and I purchased a box of exercise bands at a local sports store. I measured out 40 yds in our back field and timed him a few days later and also clocked him at 5.06.
After 2 weeks of training the thigh flexors, I timed him in the 40 yesterday after school. He ran twice at 4.96 and wanted to run one more. The third time he ran a 4.81.
I was impressed and support his continued use of your program. I will also get my 12 year old son on this program. Thank you.”
Nick – Parker, CO
Have Been Looking For
Within three weeks of using the Run Faster program, my 40 yard dash dropped from a 4.8 to a 4.5, making me the fastest guy on my football team.
When used in conjunction with my speed sled, I get a powerful start and then I can maintain a good top speed.
I have lifted weights for about 4 years now and I was always wondering why I couldn’t get faster from squats or core workouts.
This program trains muscles that you cant hit in the weight room that are responsible for top speed. Track season is about to start, and ill keep you updated on my success! Thanks for a great product.
Zack – Colorado
Improved by 1 Second
“I bought this program for my 12 year old daughter who plays competitive softball. I showed her how to use it one time and she’s been doing it on her own ever since. It’s very easy and she does it while she’s watching television.
We clocked her before she began the program and we clocked her a month later. Her sprint speed from home to first base improved by 1 second. That’s a big improvement in our sport.
We’re really looking forward to seeing how much more she improves over the season, especially with the addition of the Afterburner exercises. I’m really glad I stumbled upon your website. I never really knew about isometric training before I did.
Just so you know, we aren’t keeping our little secret. We’ve been sharing our success with the rest of our team and have told them how to find your website too. Thanks for sharing what you know with us.”
Jennifer H. – Germantown, Tennessee
“Hello, I been using your technique isometrics and resistance bands together 10 days now and my speed has improved about 18%. My whole body moves faster now and I am much lighter. I just move faster now and the routine is quick. I love it. I still have a long way to go because I am a martial arts expert but I have to check what works and what doesn’t work.
This technique combining isometrics and the resistance band together is the secret to speed in any sport… PS i am 50 years old and I move like a 25 year old. You found the SECRET TO SPEED TRAINING… GREAT WORK.”
H. Ray ChoHoRyu – Karate Kobudo Federation – Puerto Rico
“I would like to take a moment of your time and express our thankfulness for what your information has done to help my son Trey. As a twelve-year old baseball player his running ability was much less than adequate. After a year of using the information in your program he is now one of the faster kids in this area.
He is currently playing on the same team with a boy that won the county 100yd championship for the seventh grade last year and Trey consistently beats him. So far that I know of this year in the eighth grade he has not lost a race.
This has also been a boost to his confidence. We are so pleased with his progress that we are going to be stepping up to the next level of training in your program. Thank you so much for everything.”
Sincerely, Mark Vandewater
“I had visited the website a couple of times, and was very interested. I googled the site and found this Challenge. I also subscribed to the Speed Training lessons.
I tried the exercise and in just one week found that my hundred time dropped from almost 8 tenths of a second!!!
This has been a mind blowing increase for me as I have always been trying to get fast. My 400 time also dropped. This one exercise has completely changed me as an athlete!!! These times are after just one week of using the program.
Anybody wants to get fast, USE THIS PROGRAM. I play rugby and this will help me immensely. Thank You!!!!”
100m dash: Before: 12.67 After: 11.99
400m dash: Before: 66.80 After: 63.11
R. B. – Indonesia
Speed Challenge Participant
South Georgia Warrior Running Back Anthony H.
“After two weeks of using the resistance bands my 40 time went from a 4.63 to a 4.47 and I’m trying to get it lower.
I am a running back for the South Georgia Warriors Semi Pro football team. I hope that this will help take my performance to the next level and help me to break the long runs.”
Anthony H. – Georgia Speed Challenge Participant
in 7 days
“I started my Isometric Run Faster Training and after a short period I have attained remarkable performance results as follows:
1)1000M Endurance Run (3:41.64s ~ merely after 2 days of RF Training; previous best is 3:46.26s) Improved by 5 seconds!)
2)1000M Endurance Run (3:37.31s ~ after 1 week of RF Training; further improved by 4 seconds) Total Improvement within a week of RF Training is huge 9 seconds!!
3) 100M Speed Endurance Training (12.84s ~ after 2 weeks of RF Training; previous 100M speed endurance training performance is 13.25s ~ improved by 0.41s!!
I am a veteran 50 years old Masters Athlete.”
Yun – Malaysia
“THANK YOU!!! I am very impressed and grateful to your isometric resistance exercise program.
I have been working out with weights in the gym for the past 17 years and I am very strong and fit.
I have now been doing the isometric resistance exercise for 4 months.
I am glad to say that it has helped me to increase my golf driving distance from 200 yards to 230 yards consistently. Occasionally I hit the ball up to 260 yards.
I am now very enthusiastic and determine to gain as much benefits from your exercise program as possible.”
E. Lee – Singapore
“I have completed the first 14 day golf training program. I thought you should know that both my driving distance (from 169 to 192) and clubhead speed (from 66.3 to 76.6) increased 15%.
I am using Golf Galaxy’s “Golf Works” Zelocity equipment which measures club speed, ball velocity, launch angle, ball spin, carry/total yardage, PTR, and deviation.
I am pleased with this improvement and am planning on continuing the training program for the next several weeks. I plan to monitor results monthly for a while until there is no further improvement.”
Russ G. – Florida
Faster on Court
“I purchased the program for tennis after 15 years away from the game. I was always quick on the court and now after 2 months I find myself getting to the net before the ball crosses, also my ground strokes, backhand and forehand, are stronger and faster. My serve has also increased in speed and power.
Anyone looking to enhance their tennis performance needs to seriously consider this program. Thanks athletic quickness.”
Spencer Taylor, Jr. – Maryland
Has Bigger Goals
I have benefitted immensely from the resistance band training over the past year. My 100m sprint times have dropped from 13.50 sec to 12.14 seconds in only 6 race meets!
My goal of running in the 10 second range at the world Transplant Games in 2009 is more realistic now than I previously thought possible.
My 200m sprint time has dropped from 28.86 seconds to 25.48 seconds in one race! And my 400m sprint time has dropped from 1.06.00 minutes to 58.62 seconds in only two races! If these results dont scream progress I dont know what does.”
C. Holm – Bendigo Victoria Australia
“I usually never write to companies but I had to report my success with utilizing your isometric band system for longer golf drives.
As of two weeks ago my drives were clocked an average of 107mph with the fastest swing speed of 111 – after following your program for two weeks my golf swing speed was just clocked at the range using a doppler radar at a consistent average of 115mph with a high of 119mph – Amazing!!
I’m going back on to the training and wanted to say thank you for the results of your product (system) – it is simply the best.”
G. Williams – PA
in 14 Days
I just wanted to share a testimony with you. I purchased your Run Faster program for my 10 year old son and started it on 6/25. I went by your program word for word. Now note, my son is a pretty good athlete, with the exception of running. So on 6/25 I timed him 3 times in the 40 yard dash, his best time was 8.33 seconds and averaged 8.61 seconds. Now today, 7/8, I timed him 3 times again in the 40 yard dash. Now his fastest time was 7.29 seconds and averaged 7.57 seconds.
Now that came out to be 1.04 seconds faster in both his average and his quickest times. My son and I were just tickled to death with the progress.
The booklet made so much sense, while doing the training it was easy to see how the drills would help his running technique. I want to say thanks for the information and would recommend this to anyone wanting to increase their speed or even enhance their running technique.
R. Hubbard – KY
Run Faster program
“I would like to thank you for inventing this amazing new way of increasing speed.
I have worked with everything from parachutes to bungie cords, and nothing (I mean nothing!) COMPARES to the RUN FASTER training.
After 2 weeks of using RUN FASTER, my son’s 40 speed went from 4.82 to 4.43, and we’re looking forward to getting down to 4.2 or 4.3.
Thanks again, Coach T”
Coach Tony, Seminole, FL
Jason was fast but now is even faster.
“Hey my name is Jason and I’m a sophomore in high school. My biggest problem in football was my break-away speed and the 2 week challenge has begun to help me with which you can see in the improvement in my 40 as I went from a 4.9 to a 4.6″.
40 yard dash: Before: 4.9 After: 4.6
100m dash: Before: 12.1 After: 11.8
Jason – Connecticut Speed Challenge Participant
“‘I was really not sure when i first saw the program, but I had a great desire to shed a few seconds off of my sprint times. I tried the program which was really easy to do and required not much effort at all
I did the exercise in my back garden every other day as instructed. I shed 0.6 secs off of my 100m time which for me is monumental and 2 whole seconds off of my 200 meter sprint.
The program has definitely helped me and i have been recommending it to all of my friends (who still can’t believe that i am now that much faster in just 2 weeks) For people thinking about starting the program, i highly recommend they do as it is AMAZING!!!”
Will M. – U.K.
“This program works great! I am a sophomore and I play outside linebacker.
Before this program, I ran a 4.86. I didn’t think I was going to ever get any playing time because that’s just average speed for my position.
After only a week with this program, my time dropped to a 4.75. This was an improvement, but I wasn’t content yet. The next time we ran 40s was 4 weeks later and this time when I ran, I ran a 4.60!
I was ecstatic not only because I had ran a 4.60, but also because I had made the top 10 40-yard dash board.
I would like to say thank you for this program. It really works and I’m still getting faster. ”
Patrick M. – Mobil, AL
Today was the first test to see how it worked, and I passed with flying colors.
I am the second fastest Freshmen lineman (depending on the day 5.8 40 to 5.6 40), and the guy that was ahead of me ran about a 5.5 or 5.4.
I’ve been using your program for a little over two weeks (over the Christmas break). Today we ran 6, 150 meter dashes, and I won them all, granted I was with the lineman, but I would normally finish second or third.
I just wanna thank you guys for offering your program at such a great price. I’m so excited because I would win by about five or ten meters.
I can’t wait to time my 40 hopefully I’m running about .2 or .3 seconds faster. My goal is to run about a 5.3 or 5.2 by the end of the year. I’m confident that with your program I’ll reach the goals. ”
Gabriel, Edinburg – Texas
“Thank you so much for making the Athletic Quickness program. I feel like I can run so much faster now.
Out of all the exercises I have tried, these are the best. It feels like I could run five miles per hour faster after about 10 minutes of the exercises.
I have been doing it for a while now and am ready to get a stronger resistance band. I use a blue one now.
Back in summer, I came in second for a 100 meter dash thanks to your program. It was in a Junior Olympics event. If I did more of the exercises in the morning, I would have won.
If I did not buy the program I would not be where I am now, nor would I be faster than my friends. I feel you deserve a big thanks for making this program.
If you wish to contact me, you already have my email from my subscription, but here it is if you need it:”
Ryan – Ohio
Starting the Program
“I just wanted to send you an email to tell you what your program has done for my son. My son has always been an all-star baseball player, but he is smaller than most boys his age. He used to be very fast, but in the past couple of years all the other boys are getting taller and faster, and my son appears to be slower.
I bought the programs for running and swinging faster. He has been using this program and I can see an improvement in his speed. His stamina has increased. He no longer huffs and puffs after running the bases.
And his hitting is stronger. He has always been a good hitter, but could never hit it over the fence. He moved up to the 11/12 year old league that plays on a bigger field.
He just started using your program this season and has already, for the first time ever, hit the baseball over the fence. It has increased his hitting distance at least 50 or 60 feet.
Thank you so much for creating a program that is easy to use and not time consuming. I hope my comments will convince someone to buy this excellent program.”
Dawn J. – Lexington, NC
“Although I live in the UK and don’t play baseball, I bought the Swing Faster Training Program with a view of mainly increasing my bat speed in the sport of cricket and racquet sports that I play recreationally. I followed the training program and already felt more “powerful” in the muscles that I had been training in the first few days.
When I eventually started practicing my batting, I noticed that when defending, I could wait on the ball much later without any risk of being beaten by the sheer speed of the pitcher (and believe me, he is QUICK!). However, when attacking, the amount of extra bat speed and raw power going into my shots was simply awesome and I’m now slowly learning how to control this.
Another interesting thing I noticed as a result of using this training program, was that I could now play extremely powerful drives and “loop” shots in table tennis, and smash a lot harder and flatter in racquet sports. Perhaps even more surprising was that I could break more powerfully in 9 Ball as well as hitting the cue ball with more speed and power. I would definitely recommend this program!”
M. Rizwan – U.K.
“Just a comment on how this program is working. In short, incredible. I bought this program because it is unique. Every other advertisement I read talked about: Plyometrics, strength etc. My 15 year old daughter has been doing the exercises for 5 days. Last night she said she wanted to try to touch the ceiling, she hadn’t been able to do this before. Flat footed she jumped and touched the ceiling with ease.
I told her to try it again and this time to touch with her palm. She was shocked to be able to do this so easily. My daughter is a cheerleader and there is a noticeable improvement in her jumps, her toe touches etc. are much higher and explosive.
I am a 41 year old guy and I have also been doing the exercises. My legs feel ‘springy’ and light. I’ve been a gym rat for most of my life and I’ve never seen a program like this. Thanks for a great program.”
“I like to run sprints to keep in shape. Over the years I have had about 5 knee operations between both knees due to Rodeo injuries. Lately I’ve been sprinting 70 yards. My personal record this year as a worn out 41 year old guy was 9.91 seconds. Last night after 6 days on the jump higher program I ran a 9.12 and it felt effortless. Weird is more like it.
It was like I was transported back to my senior year of high school with fresh legs and speed. My top end speed after 20 or so yards was outrageous. I’m guessing my first 10 took 2 seconds. The old knees take a second to wake up! The new time came all after the first 20. Unbelievable.”
B. Martin – Roberts, Idaho
“I’d like to take time to really thank you for such a phenomenal program. I am experiencing immediate results from the workout. I play semi pro football and the effects that isometrics had on my speed were dramatic. I had to adjust my angles because I play safety on special teams.
I got a real kick because I was hitting gears I haven’t had since college. I’m looking forward to my off season training and I’m hungry to learn more. Keep up the great work.”
Kenny White – California
“I was looking all over the internet, asking my coaches and teammates how to get faster but i had no luck.
I ran in the sand, did plyometrics, used parachutes AND sleds, none of them compared to the one thigh flexor exercise.
I got extremely faster with just the one, so now im dying to try the other…every athlete should be a part of this program!!!”
Jake – Miami, FL
“While my son has excelled at football for a couple of years we knew that he needed to improve his speed going into this past season. Last December I purchased your “Sprint – Faster” program.
He is 10 years old and in 4 months we doubled his speed. Doubled!!!!
He had his best season…he was light on his feet, had good straight ahead speed and played linebacker and carried the ball successfully.
He plays and acts like a new kid. Thank you.”
Phillip S. – Downers Grove, IL
“I am 19 years old running track in college. I’ve tried many different training programs speed drills, weight training, plyometrics and NONE of them and I mean NONE of them gave me these impressive improvements.
You helped me so much. I went from running a 12.5 to qualifying for districts in the 100 meter dash. Last week I posted an 11.4 and I haven’t done the program yet this year proving that the results stay with you after you discontinue use.
But I am starting again tonight and by the time conferences roll around I’m going to place top 8 GUARENTEED!!! THANK YOU!!!”
C.E. Richardson
“Well i’m a kid from south africa, when i was younger i was one of the fastest guys in my province/state but i lost it as i got older but now with this simple resistance band training, i’m one step closer to gaining my speed back!
Thanks to the guys at athletic quickness my 40 time was 5.32 now its a 5.03! Thats a huge improvement”
Duma – Johannesburg, Gauteng
“Hi, this is a testimonial of success and i just wanted to say thank you for this product. I play junior varsity free safety and I went through a 6 week conditioning program that cost me a lot of money and the results on my forty time only droped .08.
Since I purchased this product my speed has increased phenomenally in the past seven days. I haven’t even gone through the first 14 days and my pro shuttle speed went from 4.60 to 4.32.”
J.V. – Texas
“I am currently a freshman in high school hoping to make the football team this fall. Before I started this program, I was an average sprinter but a good distance runner. I was under the impression that weight lifting would make me faster. Luckily I stumbled upon your website and I got my dad to order the program.
I timed my forty yard dash at a 5.62 before this program. Now, after four weeks of doing this program I was able to time my forty and I ran a 5.16!
My goal is to break 4.9 by my birthday in a month. Even if I don’t, this is an awesome speed training program and by far the best! Thank you! ”
D.B. – Utah
“I looked thru this website numerous times & was skeptical as any. Downloaded 14 day challenge for my son who is a HS sophomore.
First track meet on March 30, he ran a 12.75 100m. On April 30, he ran 11.75 and is now 5th fastest in the conference.
This was a 1 second improvement in just 14 days and only one of the exercises.
I will definitely be ordering the “Run Faster” package to see how much more he can do. Thank you Athletic Quickness.”
AC, Iowa
“I have been trying everything to get my forty time down. I was blessed to get the opportunity to play college football with my forty being around 5.3 as a receiver coming out of high school.
After 4 years of hard work I got it down to about 4.85 which is what someone timed me at 2 weeks ago.
I did the workout for 2 weeks and amazingly dropped my time to the mid 4.5’s from the one workout!!
I wish I had this program years ago. I am about to order the whole program to get ready for my last year of football. Thank you!! ”
Jason- University Park, il
“OK, I have to say that I did not believe this would work at all, and i definately didnt’ think it would work like it did … enough of the bs, I”ma jus cut to the chase …
I thought I was fast enough to where this wouldn”t work; but, damn was I wrong. I went from running a 4.45 to a, waiiit for it waaaiiiiit for iiiiiiiit … a 4.27 in the 40 yard dash, consistently.
I would tell more people, but I’m too selfish. I wanna stay above everyone else I’m around (haha) but thanks guys.. Y’al are freakin genuises. ”
Deon – Mississippi
“I love this program so much. I am a freshman in high school. Up until today, two days after using the vertical increase program, I couldn’t grab the rim. I could touch it, but not snap it. Now, like I said 2 days after using the program I have the highest vertical on my whole freshman and JV team. I can easily grab the rim just standing underneath it.
This is the best program in the whole world. All my friends are now wanting to order the program also. I hope that after using this program for a while, I will be able to dunk it. Maybe even by the end of the season. Thanks a ton Doc Larry Van Such!”
Jeremy J. – Declo, Idaho
Daughter’s Performance
“WOW!!! I am a basketball coach in Colorado and found your site on the web. I was looking for a way to help my daughter run faster. She is a really solid player, but is not the fastest. She just finished the 2 week training program and dropped her sprint time 0.56 seconds.
I have seen what I thought were amazing results with other programs, but never could have imagined her knocking off more than half a second in 2 weeks in the 40 yard dash. This product really delivers, and at a fraction of the price of other speed training programs.”
D. Vigil – Highlands Ranch, Colorado
grow immeasurably
“My 7 year old son was already in top running shape from wrestling and football. I wanted to see how your program would work on a reasonably conditioned kid, so this progress is very “real.”
We tested after 3 weeks in an electronically timed 10 yd. dash because I wanted no human variable. He went from 2.51 to 2.29.
Impressive. One other thing that can’t be measured…..the confidence & joy of a little boy that scored 3 times at last night’s football scrimmage because he not only knows he is faster, but now believes he can’t be caught.
B. Higgins – Omaha, NE
Demarcus will be hard to beat now.
“Thank you. This program has helped dramatically. Two weeks ago I ran a 4.73 and yesterday I clocked at 4.52.”
Speed Challenge Participant
I play corner for my high school and I was having some problems with keeping up with faster receivers getting burned and looking bad.
Now I can keep up with all the receivers, and lock people down. Thanks for all the help.
Xavier – Sacramento, CA
“We brought the run faster program and have been VERY VERY impressed with it. We have used it now for three weeks. Yesterday, my son beat out a hit to shortstop that was fielded cleanly and thrown to first.
My son (Alex Hilliard) will be named as one of 35 players to be a Playstation All American on Friday. They will play a game on June 7 that will be nationally televised on Fox Sports Net in New Mexico.”
Q. Hilliard – Lafayette, LA
40 yard dash time: Before: 6.85 seconds. After: 5.17 seconds
100m dash time: Before: 15.46 seconds. After: 11.72 secondsPatrick B. – Toronto
40 yard dash time: Before: 4.72 seconds. After: 4.41 secondsFranchise – Texas
“Hi, I just recently ordered your run faster speed training program for my 13 year old son. The results were amazing. Before your program my son ran a 5.43 40 yard dash. After just two weeks his time dropped to a BLAZING 5.00!! My son will continue to use this program. His goal is 4.87 and I know he will reach it. I will keep you posted.”
K. Jackson – Phoenix, AZ
“I ordered your program for my son and he has brought his 40 time from 5.20 to 4.92!!!
Thank you!!!”
Lisa – Joliet, Illinois
I just want to say thank you for making my times fast. I have been a qb since my freshmen year running a 4.8 and now since doing your work out i run a 4.6 and moved to running back and now getting college looks at the D one level. havent timed other stuff yet.
Matt – Alden, NY
“I have been using the program now for two weeks. “WOW” what a difference in muscle tone. I had some soreness because I was doing all six exercises daily until I read in the back of the manual to rotate the muscle groups and or rest. I am hitting golf balls daily and I feel stronger with more control of the club in my hands.”
“I am a freshman in high school and i needed to run a faster 40 yard so I could play football.I am amazed at the results I saw in only 2 weeks! I really believe this works and anybody hoping to get faster should use it!
Thank you again for making my dream a reality!”
James L. – Bourg, LA
“I have been using your program for two weeks and I have gone from a 4.63 to a 4.53 in the 40-yard dash. This program really works.”
Marcus – Somerdale, NJ
“I just wanted to say thanks for the first 2 weeks i improved my 100 and 40 times.I ran a 4.74 computer timed and i also ran an 11.57 100 meter dash. After finishing the run faster program I ran a 4.61 40 and a 11.12 100 meter dash.
I improved my times that much with just the one exercise. Thanks once again. ”
Timmy – Rockford, IL
“I was thinking about preparing for the track meet when I came across this speed training program. I wanted to try it, so I ordered a resistance band, and poof I instantly became faster. Thanks a lot Mr. van Such!”
L.K. – Irvine, CA
40 yard dash time: Before: 5.66 seconds. After: 5.14 secondsSteve – Orlando, Florida
“I was originally skeptical about the isometric method of training. However, after completing the 14 day program I measured my 40 yard dash time and was originally 4.81, came out to 4.66.”
Colby – Cleveland, OH
I was a skeptic but willing to try the product. I play beer league ice hockey and I’ve lost a step or two as I have gotten older.It’s been a couple of weeks using the program and I must say that I’m faster off the line, I have more jump in my stride and I’m beating younger guys to the puck. Your program really does work, Thank you!
John Craig, IL
“Your program has improved my speed in the short dashes by about 0.9 secs! This is really impressive! With the age of 15 I could drop my time from 12.5 to 11.6 in the 100! This program works!”
Erik – Germany
Hi. I bought recently your Kick Farther program and I think it is a great, extraordinary product.I have been playing soccer all my life and this program was just what I needed: speed, agility and quickness. I am faster than ever.
I recommended it to my teammates, and many of them bought the program, too. Thanks. Dereck.
Dereck – Prescott Valley, AZ
“My son did the 2 week program and improved his time in the 40 and 60. He was very excited to see the improvement and plans to continue with the program.”
Jake – Pendleton, In
“I purchased the Run Faster and it really does work before my 20 yard shuttle was a 4.15 after 2 weeks it is 3.94. And my 3 cone-drill was a 7.00 and it is now a 6.69”
Jermaine J. – Lehigh Acres, FL
“Hello, my name is Kenneth and after using the program for a month, i went from a 5.3 to a 4.9. this has helped me out a lot because now my soccer team has a striker they can rely on to beat the defense and score.”
Kenneth Henry – California
“The Run Faster Program is amazing. I went from a 5.5 to a 4.8 in the 40 yard dash. I was amazed and every one on my track team was and still is. My goal is to run a 4.6 and I know with the program I can. And any one who don’t believe me can contact me using rozeyrose [at] ”
Roosevelt J. – Washington, DC
“I just wanted to say that I ordered the run faster program 5 weeks ago and have been using it ever since. Now on the football team I’m not the slowest and I’m 289lbs and I’m running faster than ever. Thanks for the program it helped a whole lot.”
Maso – Conshohocken, PA
“My son (13) and daughter (10) have used your Kick farther program and now kick the ball farther than everyone on their teams.My son has received many comments from opposing coaches about his kicking abilities. One coach even doubled up on the coverage of him because of your training. Thanks for that.”
Brian Murzyn – Glassboro, NJ
“hi i have been doing the program and have gained quick results that im very happy with. i didnt knew that it would work fast but not as fast as it worked. sorry for my bad spelling ”
Matarr – Stockholm, Sweden
“My son knocked 0.5 sec off of his 40 time in the first 14 days. Haven’t timed him since, but he thinks he is still gaining speed.”
Dennis – Baltimore, MD
“I just wanted to thank you for your awesome product. At first I thought it was all bs, I finished the two week program two days ago. Just coming off of an ankle injury not much was expected of me. But then I posted a 22.2 which is almost a whole second faster than my previous 200m. I havn’t been timed in my 100m yet, but I am very excited about it and am sure it will be faster than my old previous record.”
Terry – Huntington, WV
“Hi! I just wanted to thank you for this program. Believe it or not, I am in 8th grade and I ran 12.9 on the 100m just 2 weeks ago. Well, guess what? I ran 12.1 today! that’s .8 secs faster! I think I’ll keep doing this! I am not the fastest guy in my school, but I think I can beat him pretty soon! Thank you Dr. Van Such!”
Alex – Austin, TX
“This program is AWESOME! In a 40 yard dash, my 12 year old son went from a 6.15 to a 5.72 in about 1 month. That is significantly faster. He is now one of the top 5 fastest kids in his 7th grade class which consists of several hundred kids. I think he is going to get under 5.5 in about another month.”
R. A. – California
“Hi, I purchased your baseball program at the beginning of last years season. I must say that everything you said did come true. I was able to hit 5 HRs on the season, when I never have done that before. Thanks for that. You don’t know how much that does for my confidence.”
Orlanda M. – Chicago, IL
“Thank you so much Athletic Quickness, I started to notice that my legs became more defined and I BROKE A RECORD at my SCHOOL!!! for pro agility. My legs feel like springs. THANK YOU.!”
RB – Colorado
“I just wanted to say that I think your run faster program is great. I have only been using it for 4 days and I am already seeing improvement.I used to always run as fast as this other kid in the 20 yard dash. Now 4 days after using this system, I beat him by 3 steps. It’s amazing! My legs feel springy when I run and my take-off speed has increased drasticly. I recommend this to anyone who wants to get faster”
D. R. – Indiana
“Wow…..this works!! My 12-year old son, who is pretty slow footed (a lot of it is genetic), improved his 40-yard time by more than 1/2 second in a month. Thanks!!”
Ron J. – CA
Your product is the first product i have used in my 16 years on this earth that actually exceeded its hype. Your run faster program is seriously the best! Again thnx for your run faster program!
A. K. – IN
“When I first got the program I thought it was another gimmick. Your program increase my speed greatly. Now in the 100 meter dash I clocked a 11.40, when I used to run a 12.23. All this in a month in a half!! Wait to football season begins. Thanks!!!”
P. Wiggins – Atmore, AL
“I just wanted to let you all know that I cut .17 seconds off of my 60 yard dash after finishing your 14 day program. I did exactly what your program said and I am amazed how well it worked. Thanks for helping me get closer to all of my athletic goals!”
Jeff Albert
“I purchased the RUN FASTER speed training program three months ago, and it has helped my young son improve his time every fourteen days — 40 yd. times before the program, 5.63 sec. After 14 days, 5.42 sec. Next 14 days, 5.33. Next 14 days, 5.26. Next 14 days, 5.13. I’m looking forward to seeing if he can break 5.0. Amazing! Thanks,”
C.D. – Oklahoma
“The Run Faster Program is amazing! After 14 weeks of the easy to use program my 40 time has decreased by 6 tenths of a second! My speed on the basepaths has increased tremendously, and it has made me a much better athlete. I hope more people can have as much success as I have had.”
Caleb – Springdale Arkansas
“We have ordered both the swing faster and run faster. My son already reports after 5 days that his arm feels much better after throwing (stronger and less fatigue). We are so pleased with the system we would be happy to help you get the word out about how GREAT this system really is. After my son begins the run faster system I’m sure we’ll have the same success.”
J. Vail – San Bernardino, CA
“I wanna thank you for creating such an amazing program. I tried many jumping and running programs through the years to improve my running speed and my vertical height. After 2 weeks with the vertical jump program I improved my running vertical with 1.57 Inches , my standing Vertical with 2.95 Inches and my running vertical with 2 legs with 1.93 Inches. Your program and the idea really works.”
D. B. Frankfurt, Germany
“I’m on the track team and I would just like to say thanks because it took a senior in high school 4 years to get .6 seconds faster on his 100m. It took me just 2 weeks to get .4 seconds faster.”
J. Johnson – Simsbury, Connecticut
And there’s more…
“Well it’s been a month and a half now. This is as good of a speed training program you’ll ever buy in your entire lifetime. After a month and a half I have went from the eleventh fastest player on my football team to the second. I went from a 4.91 to a BLAZING 4.43! I love this program I am going to tell everybody that I can find to buy this program.”D.J. – South Pittsburg, TN
“I am extremely satisfied with my products that I have purchased from your website.”
A.R. – Virginia
“The run faster program is the best training program I have had. Before I started I was having trouble getting passed 5.8 seconds in the 50 yard dash and my body felt maxed out, but now I can run a 5.4 seconds with ease in the 50 yard dash and I am not even in shape yet. In the 400 meter dash my speed really increased. Before I tried out the run faster program I struggled to get passed one minute. Now I jog 56 second 400 meter dashes. This program has been a lot of help and I think anyone who wants to be faster should give it a try!”
S.T. – Maryland
“I would like to thank you for having come up with the idea of iso-workouts. I have been working with them for 5 days and already got gains. I’m 36 and haven’t dunked backwards in years. I was working out with my nephew on Tuesday and got into a dunk challenge. He said I was to old and couldn’t get up anymore. So I attacked the rim forward, twist my body backwards in the air and choked the rock. I can now start getting ready for vet camp in the ABA. I was told to ask if the bands cause knee problems and my only answer was no because there is no direct pressure that comes from weights.”
L.M. – North Carolina
“I ordered you’re jump program not too long ago. I must say I was very impressed. After only 5 days I was dunking two hands with ease. I couldn’t believe it!”
Brandon – Mount Pleasant, MI
“I got to this website just randomly when searching for a vertical increasing program…and am I glad I did. I did not even use the program consistently as it asked for two weeks and I was still able to see an incredible increase in my vertical!! It is kinda amazing when I realized what happened. It is so simple yet soooo effective!!Cheap, simple, effective…my kinda program!!”
L.V. – Texas
“Your program has yielded some amazing results. I went to running a 4.45 40 yard dash on track with spikes to running a 4.34 on grass with cleats. My vertical has went from 36 inch no step to a 40 inch. Furthermore, I did not complete the training workout the full 2 weeks, I followed for a 1 week and a half and yielded these results. After the first workout you will notice results.Dr. Such research nails the focus of running right on the head, because most athletes have really tight thigh flexors and are unexposed to this type of training. You are only strong as your weakest link. I just want to thank your program for its excellent work.”
A.W. – Texas
“I was trying to improve my soccer skills and the “Run faster, Kick farther” program seemed exactly what I needed. I bought the book and began to train on it right away. I was able to notice my speed was slightly faster within two days and I was receiving complements on my kick for it’s speed, distance and the overall quality three days after starting. I have been working on the program for a month know and I have become a valuable part of my team, all thanks to this program. I recommend it to anyone looking for an athletic edge in any sport.”
Denise F. – North Mankato, Minnesota
“Your Product is fantastic! My daughter has been doing the exercises faithfully for 3 weeks and her coach is really impressed. Thanks for your help and for a great product that has made a HUGE difference in my daughter’s performance.”
D.M. – Texas
“I received this program at the beginning of this football season. Ever since I received this program it has helped me catch up to the fastest kid on my team. I have studied isometric training for about a month before I found this progam, and I thought how come no one has even tried to create an isometric training program for running. Then, I searched isometric training on the net and whalah! I couldn’t believe it.Thank you.
P.S. Couldn’t ask for any better program.”
D.U. – USA
“My son has tried your resistance bands and they worked. He`s now the most powerful 12 year in sweden possibly europe in terms of speed and kicking. His team won the world youth cup for club (club 12yr) in the summer. Every body is curious about our training methods which I have kept secret so far.”
“I noticed results almost immediately after receiving you product. Before I couldn’t even reach the net. Now I can grab the rim with ease. By the way, I am only 5’8”
A. W. – Louisiana
“I have already ordered your program and am amazed at the results. People are telling me how much quicker I look.”
R. D. – Sydney
“I ordered your run faster program and I improved a lot just in the first week. My 40 yard dash time was 4.84 and after one week it went down to a 4.69! My 100 meter time was a 10.99 and after one week it went down to a 10.84. Your program really works!”
“THANK YOU!!!!!!! Im 15 years old from Texas, and I was google searching for the best way to get faser; when I came across this site. I kept coming back to it for about a month before I bought it. It was WELL worth its money. I felt springy and faster after the first use. It’s still January, I can’t wait untill track season, them boys aint gonna know what hit em’.”
B. H. – Texas
“i play wide receiver, i used to strugle to beat defensive backs, now i blaze right by’em. i went from a 4.77 to a 4.51”
M. A. – Florida
“As I started the program the exercises where tuff but then it was getting easier. In those 14 days I did not full out sprint but just jogged. When I timed my self for the second time it was amazing!!!My legs just flew and i lost 8 seconds. thank you for the amazing experience, thnxs zev, ”
Zev – Toronto, Ontario
“I am a professional baseball player with the Atlanta Braves organization and I really like your bands. I am currently in the processes of launching an internet business that sells all the baseball technique’s and training methods I have learned from professional scouts and the braves organization and my own testing. I would like to recommend your bands to my clients.”
N. W.
There are far too many variables involved (age, weight, fitness and condition, athletic performance level, determination, and dedicated effort devoted to following the program etc.) to predict or establish how much improvement any one individual will get, if any, if they follow any of the training programs.